Lillian Müller (71) is the last Norwegian to win the coveted title of “Playmate of the Year”. The 71-year-old from Fevik is clearly the most photographed model in Playboy – she is a legend in the environment.
Then comes Amalie Olufsen (25) – the shooting star from Mo i Rana. The young girl has so far four covers in Playboy. A short time ago, she received the honor of being Miss March for the German edition of the magazine, and thus competes for the title of “Playmate of the Year” – 47 years after the 71-year-old.
On Women’s Day itself, Se og Hør has organized that the legend and the shooting star will meet for the very first time. At around nine o’clock in the morning, the undersigned is parked outside a building in Oslo – Amalie will go with her to Kristiansand to meet her predecessor.
– You see everything
Dressed in black leather boots, a tight-fitting black dress and a large warm coat, the 25-year-old comes walking.
She has never met anyone who has been in Playboy before, and now she is going to meet one of the very biggest.
The first meeting
The stretch from Oslo to Kristiansand normally takes three to four hours – when you have to make a charging stop for the electric car, it takes even longer. This means that the tension in the car has more time to build up.
– Well, we’ll be there in 20 minutes, Amalie.
– Are you eating?, she asks wide-eyed, before she finds a small pocket mirror to check that the make-up is in place and that the bangs are right.

FIRST MEETING: Amalie and Lillian give each other a good hug. Photo: Morten Eik / Se og Hør
sea view
Almost exactly 20 minutes later, we round a corner and there is the legend. Lillian is dressed in trainers, training tights, a blue jacket and cap for the occasion. Far more sporty than most people are used to seeing her.
The two hug and tell each other how nice it is to meet, before we head for one of Lillian’s favorite restaurants. Unfortunately, it’s full there – and the former Playboy model shows how adaptable she is.
– It’s the only restaurant in town I go to, but ok, we’ll try something else. There is supposed to be a good restaurant down here called “Farmers in the city”, she says, and rushes off with quick steps.
We don’t have a bad time, but Lillian doesn’t like to waste the time she has.

BOMTUR: The restaurant was fully booked, but then they had even more time to chat together. Photo: Morten Eik / Se og Hør
sea view
Brought in by Hefner
Well into the heat, we order dinner. Lillian, who usually lives in California, trembles and takes off neither her jacket nor her cap. It’s part of the outfit. She talks to Amalie about loose and fixed, future plans and the past in Playboy.

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– What made you both want to pose for Playboy?
– It was never a plan, it just happened, says Lillian, and explains that she first worked in London.
Hugh Hefner himself discovered her, and had urgently asked that the Norwegian should come to California to pose for Playboy.
For Amalie, that was the plan.
– I have always looked up to Playboy, it has been my dream.

– Has seven homes
– Are there women like Lillian who have inspired you?
– Yes absolutely. When I see what she has achieved, I want to achieve the same myself, says Amalie and glances at Lillian.
The butterfly
The latter will not acknowledge the nice words she just heard. She is not too fond of talking herself up, and says that she now devotes her life to building others up.
– Now it is Amalie who is the young and sexy one, she is the new sex symbol. My life is all about fitness and wellness now.
– I want to show you something, Lillian continues, and shoves her hands deep into her bag. She fishes out a small figure – a butterfly. It has been heavily symbolic, she explains, a gift from her mother. She has carried it with her for two years.

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– Have you heard this one? When the caterpillar thought life was over, it turned into a butterfly. It has meant a lot to me. Life was not over after Playboy, explains the 71-year-old, and says that his dreams and ambitions have taken a different form.
Lillian looks questioningly at Amalie. Does she have any dreams beyond Playboy? Yes, she has.

HEALTHY: Lillian is keen on healthy vegan food. Photo: Morten Eik / Se og Hør
sea view
– I could imagine studying psychology. I am very interested in the psychology of people. I think many people think that those of us who pose for Playboy have nothing between our ears, I would like to disprove that.
– But that’s what makes you unique Amalie, you’re smart and humble. You don’t think you are God’s gift to the man, says Lillian.
Will pose again
– But what was it like to be “Playmate of the Year”?
– I didn’t understand anything, I think all the other girls were prettier and sexier than me. So I was shocked, but eventually understood that it was about more than looks. It was about how you could best represent Playboy, says Lillian and turns to Amalie.

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– You have to think about that!
– Yes, I think about that a lot. I feel exactly the same, that the others are nicer and prettier. But when If I win, I will do everything I can to be a good representative.

THE SHOT STAR AND THE LEGEND: The two each represent a generation of Playboy. Photo: Morten Eik / Se og Hør
sea view
Amalie has many years ahead of her, several possible covers. So far she has four, and Lillian had nine. Despite the fact that her time in Playboy is something she looks back on, she is aware that she is not quite finished.
– I’m going to pose again, she says with a sly smile.
– But it will be when I’m 75. And it will be big.
– It will become iconic, says Amalie with a big smile.
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