Home » today » News » “Tribunes” bought drugs in Regensburg – Regensburg – News

“Tribunes” bought drugs in Regensburg – Regensburg – News

A dealer from Regensburg is said to have delivered on a large scale to a Nuremberg rocker gang. It’s about tens of kilograms of speed.

By Andre Baumgarten

From Wednesday, members of the United Tribunes (archive photo) and three of their drug suppliers from Regensburg will be on trial. Foto: Sdmg/picture alliance/dpa

Regensburg, Nuremberg.Drugs for more than three quarters of a million euros are said to have been sold by three men from Regensburg. Martin K., the alleged head of the dealer gang, and two accomplices were caught at the end of February 2021. The buyers of the drug are said to have been candidates for the “United Tribunes” in Nuremberg. Everyone rose to become a “full member” thanks to the drug deals. Now all the process is done.

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You can find more articles from this department under City of Regensburg.

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