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Triberg: Cost pressure weighs on the city – St. Georgen, Triberg & the surrounding area

Klaus Wangler (CDU) described it as a great challenge for the chamberlain to draft a budget that could be approved, also in view of the difficult-to-estimate income situation due to the effects of the pandemic. The Christian Democrats would agree to the proposal – however, they would apply for a blocking notice for the renovation of the forest sports pool. He calculated that the liquidity at the end of 2021 will decrease by around 2.6 million to only 714 120 euros since the end of 2019. It is therefore important to build a bridge between strict austerity and future-oriented investments – but one is thoroughly experienced when it comes to bridges.

Two major projects, the renovation of the bathroom and the demolition and construction of the funeral hall, are also on the agenda, as is the continuation of the broadband expansion. He is grateful that the regulatory authority approves the loans for these investments, since with the current interest rate situation it makes more sense to take out loans than to sell assets. Nevertheless, the parliamentary group applied for a blocking notice for the renovation of the bathroom, at least until it was known whether and in what amount the further expected subsidy would come from the country’s tourism pot. One would also like to return the bathroom to the tourism business.

Upcoming investments

The Free Voters subsequently proved that the parliamentary groups “tick” very similarly. Group spokesman Michael Hummel: At first you would have been pleased that the redesign of the spa garden would be completed in the current year – together with the renovation of the spa house, a chunk of it. The second major investment, spread over two years, is the funeral hall and the further renovation of the cemetery. Broadband expansion must also be continued – due to the enormous subsidy situation for the outdoor areas, his parliamentary group sees the task here of primarily serving them (in Nussbach and Gremmelsbach).

The Free Voters see the greatest problems at the forest sports pool, as the planning office considers an increase in building costs of up to 30 percent to be possible with currently 3.8 million euros. They, too, are in favor of a blocking notice as long as the amount of the country allocation has not been determined. The faction sees a start of construction in September 2021 rather critically.

Mayor Gallus Strobel was ready to put a blocking notice on both groups, but he expects to receive the grant notification by the middle of the year, so that the bathroom could be dismantled at the end of August.

Enormous care costs

Susanne Muschal (SPD) first addressed the enormous costs of childcare. The federal and state governments demand this support, the majority of the costs remain, as always, with the communities. “Instead, the city has been under pressure from the district’s legal supervisory authority for years to improve the revenue side. Now the pressure has built up so much that no approval of the loans is promised if it does not succeed in achieving a balanced budget in the medium term For us that meant that, like so many municipalities, we unfortunately couldn’t avoid tax increases. ” Once again she addressed the administration’s unwillingness to equip urban buildings with photovoltaics. “That initially costs a lot of money and only brings long-term returns,” she learned from the mayor.

But with the forest sports pool, the SPD suggests another way: “We think it is a wrong signal to provide the approach for the forest sports pool with a blocking notice. We make a blocking notice when selling forests because we do not want it the renovation of the forest sports pool is also not wanted, “she said in the room. Of course, due to the financial situation, one has to make sure that the costs for the renovation do not increase.

“We therefore propose capping the costs. In addition, it should be prescribed to the planner that a tender package with 80 percent of the work involved is put together. The specifications are to be priced by the planners, so that there is a relatively high level of cost security for the The city is emerging and savings can also be made. An 80 percent tender package has the advantage that the city immediately has an overview of the costs upon submission and there are no cost increases in a phase in which one can no longer row back “, so the proposal of the Social Democrats.

Blocking notice set

During the vote, the budget and its amendments were first passed unanimously. The vote on the blocking notice on the sale of forests was also unanimous. The SPD had no luck with its suggestion not to give the Waldsportbad a blocking notice – the blocking notice was set with three votes against.

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