Home » today » World » Trial towards Eduardo Macaya Zentilli continues its course with two of the three judges – 2024-06-27 01:48:27

Trial towards Eduardo Macaya Zentilli continues its course with two of the three judges – 2024-06-27 01:48:27

Because of a medical drawback, Decide Marcela Yáñez Cabello is not going to proceed to serve on the bench of the Oral Legal Court docket of San Fernando.

The Judiciary reported that because of a medical drawback, Decide Marcela Yáñez Cabello is not going to proceed to be a part of the courtroom of the Oral Legal Court docket of San Fernando that’s listening to the trial happening towards the accused. Eduardo Macaya Zentilli, so the respective trial will proceed its regular course with the mixing of the opposite two judges: Decide Marisol López Machuca and Decide José Ruiz Stanke.

The measure that an oral courtroom can proceed to listen to a trial with two of the three judges is contemplated in articles 76 and 284 of the Legal Process Code. The trial started on June 13 and is at the moment ongoing and the defendant is accused by the Public Ministry because the writer of improper sexual abuse.

Allow us to do not forget that at first of this trial it was declared confidential, the courtroom proscribing entry to the media and most of the people to the hearings of the respective oral trial, together with the prohibition of the dissemination of the identification of the victims and some other data. direct or oblique that may establish them, in addition to the info of the case.

“As a basic rule, oral trial hearings are public and, due to this fact, anybody has free entry to them, as established by our laws. Nonetheless, such promoting contemplates some restrictions which can be primarily based on the safety of sure rights. On this explicit case, it should be taken into consideration that those that have the standing of sufferer on this case are minors and by specific authorized mandate they should be protected, particularly contemplating the character of the crimes for which they’re accused (…). Given this situation, as everybody has identified, together with the protection itself, the courtroom has the obligation to take all of the protecting measures it deems needed to guard the bodily and psychological integrity and privateness of the victims.“, the courtroom resolved at the moment by decreeing the secrecy of this trial.

The prosecution requests 12 years in jail for the businessman, who was in preventive detention for simply over a month, in 2023. This measure was reversed by the Second Chamber of the Rancagua Court docket of Appeals after fee of $150 million.

Macaya Zentilli has rejected the costs and has acknowledged that she is “fully harmless.” “If it weren’t for my son’s place, this case wouldn’t exist,” she stated on the event.

#Trial #Eduardo #Macaya #Zentilli #continues #judges

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