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Trial of knife attack in Bark continued

The knife stab that an 18-year-old man in the community of Bark (Segeberg district) stabbed his neighbor (69) in the neck was potentially life-threatening. This was stated on Friday by a forensic doctor in the trial against the accused, who essentially confessed, before the youth criminal chamber of the Kiel regional court.

At the time of the crime on February 17, the adolescent was intoxicated with up to 2.4 per mille. His neighbor was completely innocent when the angry young man rang his doorbell late in the evening and immediately stabbed him without a word. Now he has to answer for attempted murder out of treachery and low motives.

Victim does not file a lawsuit for pain and suffering

At the start of the trial, the defendant confessed to the outbreak of violence, which, after a violent argument with his mother, happened to be directed against his long-term neighbor: the perpetrator and the victim agreed that there had been no tension between them beforehand.

The 69-year-old pensioner is taking part in the trial as a joint plaintiff. The consequences of the stab, which left a two-centimeter long wound below the right ear, he seems to have dealt with physically and mentally well. He did not want to sue the young man for pain and suffering, his lawyer Jörg Offen (Bad Segeberg) announced on Friday when asked.

A forensic physician (35) from the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holsten (UKSH), who was invited as an expert, said that he could no longer determine the lancing depth during his examination because of the advanced healing process. An injury to larger vessels such as the carotid artery could have led to heavy bleeding or death at any time.

Relatives refused to testify

Fortunately, only the victim’s nose showed heavy bleeding – probably the result of a punch in the face. According to the expert opinion, they benefited from anticoagulant medication that the pensioner took regularly.

The juvenile criminal chamber had summoned the single mother (53) and the younger brother (17) of the accused to clarify the previous history. After detailed instruction by the chairman, both made use of their right to refuse to testify, which they are entitled to as close relatives.

Her earlier statements to police officers are now also not allowed to be used in the process. According to the current schedule, the prosecution and defense could hold their pleadings on the next hearing day. A judgment by the youth chamber is expected at the end of June.

By Thomas Geyer

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