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Trial in Wiesbaden: Afghans are said to have raped 18-year-olds | Regional

Wiesbaden – Sina* is traumatized; she is said to have experienced the biggest nightmare a young girl can go through three years ago. Sitting across from her in the dock, smiling, are two young men who are said to have changed Sina’s life forever two days after her 18th birthday.

“The nightmare repeats itself again when I look at the faces of both of them. As if everything had happened yesterday,” says the now 21-year-old nervously to BILD.

The defendants are two young Afghans. Sayed Sajad H. (23) and Rames H. (22) – both of whom are still considered adolescents due to their age at the time – have been married since Tuesday Wiesbaden District Court the process was done. The accusation: rape.

Sina spoke to BILD about her case, which happened three years ago. Three agonizingly long years in which she was unable to get therapy and felt left alone with her problems: “I had only just turned 18. I wanted a friend, something solid. Since that day in the summer of 2021, nothing has been the same.”

The crime allegations

On June 13, 2021, the girl meets both of them in the Sossenheim district of Frankfurt at the so-called Kollmann-Weiher. She previously met Rames on a dating app. It’s early evening, Sina is lovesick, all three drink alcohol together.

The two young Afghans have had to stand trial in the district court since Tuesday: Sayed Sajad H. (23) and Rames H. (22)

Photo: Jörg Halisch

Sina describes what happened next: During a kiss, Sayed bit her lower lip and squeezed her breasts. She kept saying that she didn’t want any of this. Rames then urged her to go with her into a bush near the pond, according to the prosecution. He is said to have then asked the girl to satisfy him orally.

She didn’t want to, she says. Rames is said to have not cared, he took the girl’s hand and placed it on his erect penis, according to the indictment. Sina did what the man wanted from her out of fear.

“Stop, it hurts,” Sina is said to have pleaded

Sayed then allegedly pushed her into the bushes, pulled down her pants and raped the girl. Sina is said to have pleaded: “Stop, it hurts.” She says to BILD: “My ‘no’ simply didn’t interest anyone. They spoke in their language, I was their doll.”

Sayed H. (23, has lived in Germany since 2015) is known to the police for assault, was convicted at the Wiesbaden district court in 2016 and works as an electrician. Rames H. has no school leaving certificate, dropped out of an apprenticeship and is unemployed. He lives with his parents and has a temporary residence permit.

Defendants claim it was consensual sex

According to BILD information, both men told the police that the sexual acts were carried out consensually. They repeated this in court. And even claimed that it all came from the girl.



Sina, on the other hand, says that Rames asked from the first contact on social media whether he could kiss her when they met. She replied that kissing was the most extreme thing she could imagine.

Sina’s lawyer Ulrich Warncke warns and has one Complaint of delay in court filed: “The crime occurred in June 2021, charges were filed in October 2022. Since then, the injured party has been waiting for a main hearing so that they can come to terms with what they have experienced.” And further: “The justice system is letting victims down. Young women in particular who become victims of such severe violence are often completely left alone.”

The verdict is due to fall on December 4th.

*Name changed

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