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“Trends” participates in the “Margla Dialogue”

Abu Dhabi (Al Ittihad)

As part of its active global presence, the Trends Center for Research and Consulting participated in the Forum for Economic Decisions in Times of Global Crises, which was held as part of the “Margalla Dialogue” at the Islamabad Institute for Policy Research ( IPRI), in the presence of a group of experts and officials from global think tanks and research.
Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Al-Ali, Chief Executive Officer of “Trends”, confirmed that the world is experiencing a series of successive crises, one of which hardly ends until the other starts appearing and spreading rapidly, to impose new challenges on the political and economic decision-maker, who must face them efficiently and effectively, both to reduce the risks that may arise from them, and to maximize the opportunities that it sometimes offers.
He explained, in his speech at the main session of the forum, that the current economic crises that the world is witnessing are different from those they have witnessed in the past, whose consequences governments have been able to face and absorb according to the well-known monetary rules and financial mechanisms and tools, indicating that crises today are intertwined and complex in a way that makes it difficult for any economy – no matter how strong – to deal with them alone or bear the consequences.
Dr. Muhammad Al-Ali referred to the pandemic of “Covid-19” and its unprecedented economic repercussions and repercussions, the consequences of which the world is still suffering to this day, leading to the current crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine, passing through crises of high inflation rates, food and energy shortages and disruption of energy chains Supply chain, debt crisis in developing countries and increase in natural disasters caused by global warming. As the global economy has become as if facing one of the worst phases it has gone through in the modern era, underlining that all this imposes greater pressures and complications on the economic decision-maker and requires the use of innovative tools and policies capable of dismantling these crises , and trace clear sections of the path to continue the development process in the country of origin.
Al-Ali explained that the current crises in the economic environment have multiplied the complexities, although the intertwining of the relationship between economic variables is not a new matter for the economic decision-maker, but rather an intrinsic characteristic of the economy.
For his part, Sultan Al-Rubaie, head of the economic studies department of “Trends”, stressed, in his speech, the importance of realizing the vital role that research and study centers can play in shaping the future and to support economic decision-makers with visions, ideas, research and solutions, also underlining the importance of strengthening economic cooperation between states and governments, with the accelerating pace of globalisation.

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