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Trees in extreme climatic conditions need pruning

Pontianak (ANTARA) – A member of the DPRD of the city of Pontianak, Zulpydar Zaidar Mochtar, highlighted extreme weather conditions such as strong winds in recent days and this must be a concern, especially regarding the importance of pruning trees that have the potential to fall on the road or break.

“The current weather conditions are no longer good. It is necessary to monitor the potential, ie the potential of fallen or broken trees, especially those on the side of the road. This is to anticipate so as not to suffer casualties,” he said. said to Pontianak, Monday.

He explained, so far the relevant agencies have routinely cut trees. However, according to him, he must continue to monitor and confirm which areas or trees need to be manned or pruned so as not to endanger road users. According to him, however, his party appreciates the footsteps of the mayor of Pontianak who focuses on greening the city by planting trees in every open land including the roadsides.

“What we say is a form of anticipation and it encourages us to activate early warnings in terms of responding to weather conditions. We appreciate the progress of the city government. But obviously don’t be negligent, but you have to continue to be alert. The potential is there because the weather can be extreme, “he said.

In addition to the danger of trees falling during rain, it also highlighted the potential for dengue fever. He believes the Pontianak city health office mapped it.

“So the impact of this rainy condition is very different from floods. Dengue fever also needs to be watched. Attention and alert are starting to kick in. The government needs to take swift and appropriate action if a This is because if it is slow to handle it will be dangerous for the soul, “he said.

It also encourages all parties in their respective environments to protect the environment, especially from mosquito nests. So drainage must be maintained by activating mutual cooperation in the complex or alley environment.

“Gotong royong needs to be reactivated. The environment, especially the drainage, can be cleaned because it can reduce flooding and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes that cause dengue fever,” he said.

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