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Treating Triple Negative Breast Cancer Tailored to Cancer Stage – All Pages


The earlier triple negative breast cancer is found, the easier and cheaper it is to treat.

GridHEALTH.id – Alertness to disease breast cancer in general it becomes very important considering the research results The International Agency for Research on Cancer which issued the Global Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence 2020 or what we know as GLOBOCAN 2020 shows that new events breast cancer worldwide ranks first.

With around 2.3 million new cases and 680 thousand deaths, Indonesia ranks the most with new cases approaching 66,000 and a death rate of more than 22,000 in 2020.

Triple Negatif Breast Cancer (TNBC) or breast cancer Triple negative is known as a type of aggressive cancer that grows rapidly, because it is negative for estrogen, progesterone, and also HER2.

TNBC tends to have spread when it is found, and the chance of reappearing after being treated is higher than other types of TNBC breast cancer other.

TNBC causes about 10-20% of cases breast cancer in total and affects women under the age of 40 years.

According to a 2014 study, the incidence of TNBC is the second largest in Indonesia among types breast cancer others with a percentage of 25%.

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Symptoms of TNBC are similar to other types of breast cancer, such as a new lump in the breast or armpit, thickening or swelling in the breast.

There is irritation or dimpling of the skin of the breast, redness or scaly skin in the nipple or breast area, nipple pulling in or pain in the nipple area, discharge from the nipple other than breast milk, including blood, changes in the size or shape of the breast, or pain in any area

Prof. DR. dr. Ami Ashariati, SpPD.-KHOM from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya during an online discussion entitled ‘Knowing and Beware of Triple Negative Breast Cancer’, Thursday (21/10/2021) said that the treatment modalities for breast cancer generally consist of 3 things. The main subjects are surgery, radiation, and systemic therapy in the form of chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

The choice of treatment modality takes into account many things, but there are 2 important things, namely the stage and subtype of breast cancer, then other factors such as age and other comorbidities.

Treatment options for early-stage, locally-advanced or metastatic triple negative breast cancer are in principle the same as the other subtypes, but the results are still very limited because they have the property of growing back faster even though they have been treated properly.

In the early stages, a lumpectomy or mastectomy may be performed by removing nearby lymph nodes to see if the cancer has spread.

After performing a lumpectomy, it is usually followed by radiation therapy. Moderate if after mastectomy radiation therapy will be carried out if the spread to the lymph nodes is at least 4 or more.

“In this procedure, not a few patients perform breast reconstruction along with mastectomy for aesthetic purposes,” said Prof. Amy.

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In the metastatic stage or has spread to other organs such as the lungs or liver, or the brain, systemic therapy such as chemotherapy is carried out.

Prof. Ami said that in line with the development of treatment technology, triple negative breast cancer treatment with immunotherapy is now available which provides a longer life expectancy.

More Prof. Ami appealed to the public to prevent breast cancer by doing BSE and early detection of breast cancer,

“Because cancer can be cured if found at an early stage, and immediately consult a doctor if there are symptoms.

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In addition, it is accompanied by the application of a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious food, quitting smoking, not consuming alcohol, exercising regularly, and don’t forget to avoid stress and get enough rest.”

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