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Treat headaches and eliminate bad breath .. 16 amazing benefits of orange peels

Dr. Samiha Abdel Sami, an expert in nutrition, revealed Through her personal page on social networking sites Facebook, About Benefits of orange peels.

Bad breath:
Suffering from bad breath. chewing Orange peel Instead of mouth freshener to treat bad breath.

boil over Orange peel With water and drink it. It is excellent in treating headaches, anxiety, and depression.

Bath Oil :
Mix a little crushed orange peel with a small cup of olive oil and a little water and leave it on a low heat, then filter and cool it, and then you can apply it to the skin. This is a great way to use orange peel for skin.

You can prepare an ordinary tea with a teaspoon of flour Orange peel.

blood pressure :
Orange peel also helps in improving blood circulation as well as regulating blood pressure, thus maintaining the health of your heart.

Dandruff treatment:
Mix the crushed orange peel with water, leave it and apply the mixture on the hair to get rid of dandruff and cleanse the scalp.

Respiratory protection:
Orange peel contains many antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which helps protect the respiratory system from many problems such as bronchitis, colds, influenza, asthma, and lung cancer.

Orange peel is very useful in reducing the chances of constipation, as it helps in reducing gas, heartburn and vomiting.

Protect the body from getting cancer:
Orange peel contains many chemical compounds that work to prevent the growth and division of cancer cells in the human body

Put in eating:
There are many ways to consume orange peel to add flavor to food. You can put it in desserts, but it should boil for a short time.

To get rid of blackheads:
Prepare an orange peel mask to get rid of blackheads on the face, by adding milk to orange peel, rose water, boiling water and yogurt, mixing it and putting it on the face for about a quarter of an hour, then washing the face with warm water, and it is recommended to use the mask twice a week to get the desired results.

Benefits of orange peel for skin:
Orange peel is a gift for face and skin care for its ability to treat blackheads, dead cells, acne, pores, blemishes, dark circles, dry skin, and brighten your face. Orange peel can be applied with milk or curd to add glow to the complexion.

Weight loss:
Orange peels contain a high percentage of fiber that helps in losing weight, you can add it to your diet, and stick to it to get a lean body.

Mosquito repellent:
Orange peel is effective against mosquitoes, by boiling it well and leaving it before leaving the house

The repellent ant:
Putting orange peels in areas of your home can get rid of the ant problem.

A sense of freshness at home:
Boil a handful of dried orange peels, cinnamon, and cardamom in the water, and it will become steam, refreshing and helping to flush out germs from the house.

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