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Treat an eye abscess in seconds … The strangest health benefits of alum

Used Alum Often as a drug to shrink tissues and reduce the release of body fluids, as an antiseptic to hold tissues and stop or reduce bleeding, and as an emetic agent to induce vomiting if someone swallows a toxin.

In addition, it is frequently used to enhance certain vaccines as well as to avoid or treat infections. Healthbenefitstimes revealed the most prominent benefits of alum.

Eye abscess treatment

Rub the alum onto a stone Sandalwood With a little water, you need to rub it well to get a paste, because it is not easily rubbed into a paste, this special paste is very effective as it stings at first, when you use it, however, it is an effective treatment for eye abscess on the same day it is really used. , Which gives one a good relief from eye abscess.

Use as a mouthwash

It is certainly one of the main causes of the smell Bad mouth It is the accumulation of bacteria, which often create toxins and acids. Washing with mouthwash prevents bacterial growth as well as washes away bacteria.-

Relieves muscle cramps

When used with turmeric, alum works as an ideal natural remedy for relieving muscle cramps.The blood-clotting properties of alum along with the antiseptic properties of turmeric are what works well for this method.

Alum for cracked heels

Alum helps treat cracked heels, and for this treatment the alum is heated in an empty bowl, when we heat the alum, it liquefies and so does the foam, once all the water evaporates, we have a crumbly mixture, once it cools down, it is really ground and combined with coconut oil and put On the legs.

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