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Treasure Cannot Make Happy, Prince of Thailand Live Full of Misery Amid Abundant Wealth, Lack of Father’s Love Until ‘Losing’ Mother Due to Kingdom Tragedy – All Pages


Prince of the Thai kingdom

Gridhot.ID – Humans are born with a variety of emotions.

One of the emotions that most human goals are related to happiness.

Happiness has a different meaning for each human being.

There are those who judge happiness be achieved with simple things like spending time with loved ones.

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There are also those who think that happiness can be obtained absolutely if a person has abundant wealth.

However, the reality is that not everyone who has abundant wealth and wealth always lives in happiness.

For example, this Thai prince whose life is not what we imagine, and lives in trouble because of his family’s condition.

According to Eva.vn Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti (15) is the only son of the current King of Thailand Vajiralongkorn (Rama X) with his consort Srirasmi Suwade.

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It is therefore almost certain that Prince Dipangkorn will inherit the throne as king of Thailand.

However, the prince’s life turned out to be unhappy and peaceful as predicted by many.

Prince Dipangkorn was born in 2005 to the joy of his royal parents at the time.

However in 2014, when the prince was 9 years old, a big incident occurred at the palace.

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Seven members of Srirasmi’s family are accused of defaming the royal family.

It was because of that that the empress was stripped and all titles were lowered, her family was demoted from her ranks.

Then they were thrown out of the palace, which meant that Srirasmi would not live with her son anymore.

On the day of the farewell, Prince Dipangkorn knelt down to his mother for the last time, the two of them cried in pain as they embraced.

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Without the love of his mother Prince Dipangkorn also did not receive much attention from his father.

The prince was sent to Munich Germany, where he was sent to an expensive international school.

Although his father visited him and the two of them occasionally skied, climbed mountains and rode horses, his father rarely showed his affection.

In early 2019, the royal palace showed a photo of volunteers with Prince Dipangkorn.

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The little prince cleaned the temple and repainted the windows of a temple, then distributed food and drink to the poor.

It is believed that Dipangkorn has a good personality like his mother, but he seems lonely in the palace too.

Prince Dipangkorn was reportedly living in a luxury villa in a wealthy neighborhood of Bavaria, Germany.

Meanwhile, King Vajiralongkorn was also taking refuge in a luxury hotel with 20 of his concubines during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Despite living only 60 km from his son, it seems that King Vajiralangkorn never visited his son.

Rumors were circulating that King Vajiralongkorn had also married the new empress. This made Prince Dipangkorn depressed.

Human rights journalist Andrew MacGregor Marshall fears that if the small role holds power he will experience a change in attitude.

This article has been published on Sosok.ID with the title Always wallowing in treasure, who would have thought that this Thai prince’s life would be full of misery, the successor to the throne of the land of the white elephant suffers from being born in the palace.

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