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“Traveling with my friends”… the last of the marriage conditions… and authorized women: avoiding “exaggeration”

Recently, some of the secrets of marriage conditions, which were among the prohibitions in the past, have been revealed. Indeed, some of them revolved around conditions that, with time, turned into “semi-traditional”.

And it is customary in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region that the conditions of the wife upon the husband when agreeing to marry him are limited to “an independent home, continuing studies, or work,” and if there is an incapacitating matter, then it comes in the form of “providing a maid” for the wife.

However, what appeared to the surface recently seems to be much more than that, as some wives resorted to writing down the condition of “traveling with their friends” among the conditions that are supposed to be written down in the marriage contract.

By the way, this is not a general case, but rather a small percentage, but it necessitated shedding light on it, as a matter of deciphering the transformation that took place in social connection, which moved from its traditional form to a developed one with time and time.

News 24I carried this question that stems from the change in the conditions of marriage, and I put it in the drawing of the licensed official, Abdullah Maashi, who saw that the conditions of marriage in the past were limited to two specific conditions, which are “independent housing, and completion of education or employment,” and with the change of time and the development that life is witnessing In general, many perceptions of all parties, husband and wife alike, have changed.

On this basis, Maashi adds: We can understand that the high level of awareness, and society’s awareness of the legal aspects, contributed in one way or another to changing the basics and conditions of marriage, and they have become diverse, in terms of requesting the provision of a private car, and not preventing her from driving, and some women stipulate not marry another woman.

Some have a vision that stands or supports, to some extent, the woman’s desire to have a decent life, leading to the perpetuation of marriage, and the establishment of successful families that are reflected in the formation of a homogeneous society, but there are those who find that some of the conditions set by wives contain a lot of disregard for circumstances. The general view of the husband, in terms of looking at life in its logical form, not in its rosy form, in reference to some of the aforementioned conditions, which are considered a kind of entertainment and exaggerated narcissism, such as those who require the husband to travel with her friends every year.

Speaking of marriage matters in general, we must go back a few years, as contracts were traditionally written down on “paper”, and far removed from the modernity and development imposed by technology, and from this standpoint, we can return to the authorized “Maashi”, who confirms that technology imposed itself On all legal transactions, including marriage contracts, which have been converted to electronic.

In this aspect, he dwells on the discussion, until he reaches the point of saying, “The Ministry of Justice has witnessed a remarkable electronic transformation and development in the judicial services, among which comes the electronic contract procedure with ease. The difference between paper and electronic marriage contracts is the preservation of all information and the possibility of reference and verification of it in any time”.

Mashi links the technological development that has occurred in life recently, with the awareness of society, as everyone has become more aware than before, and this has become reflected in marital life as a whole, calling at the same time to move away from exaggerating the conditions, by women, in order to reach a life Generous.

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