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Traveling with children is often stressful, but promotes development

Unwind and enjoy life: According to a study, vacation actually increases well-being – even more than free time in everyday working life. Study participants slept more on vacation, ruminated less, exercised more and engaged in social activities. Even if this study is not representative due to the small number of participants, it points to something that many people also observe: vacations are good for you.

But what are the advantages of traveling with children? You don’t just dive in on vacation new cultures one and win Distance from everyday obligations such as kindergarten, school or sports clubs, but also preserved important impulses for their brain development. During a family vacation, the offspring activates many brain regions, just as they do at home – but during the vacation, parents have more of an opportunity to accompany their child. Every time parents motivate their children to grab stones on the beach, they are honing their fine motor skills. Playing games with other children promotes social skills – these encounters can be made possible by parents. Of course, the benefits that come from spending time together are also important on a family vacation – without the hustle and bustle of everyday life, parents can listen to their child’s needs, fulfill small and large wishes and cuddle up a lot.

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