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Traveling with breast cancer: what to do before, during and after the trip?

October 19 marks the International Day of the Fight Against Breast Cancer raise awareness of the importance of timely detection, since, according to art World Health Organization462,000 women are diagnosed each year breast cancer; In Mexico, this condition is the leading cause of death in the female population.

A cancer diagnosis doesn’t always have to be fatal, so those who suffer from it should try to get on with your life. Specialists point out that traveling with this disease is possible early clinical stagesbut it requires some precautions and the recommendations of the oncologist, but the most important thing is plan ahead and be prepared for any unexpected events.

In an interview with Escapada H, the subject matter specialists pointed out that the intervals between courses of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as well as their ending, is a good time to plan a vacation. Any destination is valid, be it the forest, the beach or a Magic City, even if it is the doctor who has to provide the recommendations you need to follow before, during and after the trip.

What to do before traveling?

Before packing your bags to enjoy this journey you have longed for, it is necessary consult your oncologist who will give you all the tips to enjoy yourself to the fullest and avoid situations that put your health at risk.

the oncologist, Juan Carlos Oliva Posada Head of the Gynecological Cancer Unit of Oncology Unit of the General Hospital of Mexico, pointed out that the best option if you want to leave the city is to do so 3 months after the end of treatment. And if you want to leave town during chemotherapy or radiotherapy, it’s best to do so short walks, preferably in the forest or in a country house to rest and stay relaxed and calma.

Depending on your general condition and the symptoms you have, you must have take care of the immune system that weakens with treatments. Also, the doctor Juan Carlos Oliva stresses that care must be taken falls and bumps; exposure to the sun is contraindicated and it is also recommended avoid eating in unsanitary places. And, of course, always take into account nearby hospitals in case of an emergency

For its part, the Dr. Ana Julia Antonio Suarez, gynecologist oncologist with specialty in breast surgery at FUCAMstresses that cancer should not be an impediment to planning a GETAWAY, although it is necessary to go to a medical examination make an evaluation and receive the Medical indications necessary. General recommendations include do not expose to sunlight and in case of surgery, take care of the wound e do not wet it with sea or swimming pool water.

Antonio Suárez points out that the right time to travel is two weeks after receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapythat is, during the “rest” intervals. since at that time the side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and dizziness caused by the treatments They have decreased and patients have better moodin addition to a holiday you can improve the emotional state of the person.

What should you keep in mind when traveling?

Avoid exposure to the sun. Photo: medium

Once your doctor has cleared your trip, you should keep this in mind sun exposure is contraindicated in all treatments. If you are planning to go to the beach, the advice is not to sunbathe from 12:00 to 17:00 In addition to not being exposed to direct rays for more than 10 minutes. You must wear dark glasses dermatological sunscreenas well as a cap or hat.

It is of the utmost importance Monitor the power supplyaccording to Doctor Ana Giulia Antonioit is contraindicated to eat on the street, the food must be fresh and be prepared only in closed factories and with the necessary hygiene measures, a prevent infections and diarrhea since the immune system is weakened, so it is important to always stay hydrated.

In case of road trip of more than two hours, patients must wear compression stockingsstretch your legs e make stops along the way so they can walk for 15 minutes every two hours.

And after the trip?

After your vacation, the recommendation is to go to medical examination to check the general conditions and rest, wait for the date as well evaluation survey if you feel good and there have been no complications. Dr. Ana Julia believes we must remove stigmas around chemotherapy, patients have to get on with their life and travel is part of it, and it can too help emotionally to recovery.

Things that shouldn’t be missing in your suitcase

Bring your medications with you. Photo: medium
  • Medical history where you specify your diagnosis and the type of treatment, as well as the medications and doses you use
  • Medicines that they pointed out to you. Don’t forget your recipe
  • Phone number of your oncologist
  • Identity card with name, address, blood group and type of treatmentwhat are you wearing
  • Antiseptics and healing material
  • Sunscreen
  • Cap or hat
  • KN 95 medical masks
  • Emergency numbers of the destination you are traveling to, as well as locate nearby hospitals in case of emergency.

General medical recommendations during the trip

It is important to have beware of falls and bumps, to be possible use a stick to promote mobility as the treatments promote the risk of falls due to numbness of the lower limbs, in addition to:

  • take your medications as directed by the doctor
  • do not consume alcohol
  • Don’t eat on the street and follow the diet provided by your doctor and nutritionist
  • Notify your doctor in case you have symptoms or problems that could put you at risk
  • Accompanied travel by someone qualified to support you
  • Apply the FPS 50 lock dermatological grade, every 4 hours
  • If you feel discomfort it is important that you go to the doctor, you must present a summary of your medical history
  • If you have had surgery, you must take care of the wound, wash with clean water and avoid entering the pool or the sea
  • If you have had a mastectomy, you should use a compression sleeve in the arm, to reduce the risk of swelling due to fluid accumulation, known as lymphedema
  • It is possible to travel abroad with the doctor’s permission, even if the recommendation is to do so 3 months later to end the treatment.

Timely prevention and diagnosis – the most important

Being diagnosed with cancer it is not synonymous with death because there are various treatments early clinical stages therefore life expectancy increases by 90%. The doctor Karina Kabal, consultant to the Mexican Association for the Fight against Cancer promotes, through campaign “Let SENOS do the personalizationre “, early detection of breast cancer and calls for action to avoid risk factors.

The most important thing is the prevention and timely detection of the disease, The recommendation of the specialists is to do a breast self-examination from onset of menstruationregardless of age, this will help you get to know your breasts, which will help you detect any bumps or anomalies.

In this regard, medical specialists agree that self-examination should be hget up and look in a mirroror and clockwise. The breasts should be checked every 3 days, except during menstruation. we leave you a guide so you know how to do it.

From the age of 20, it is recommended to have a ultrasound per year, while, after 40, It is best to do a mammogram. In case of suspicion it is necessary to go immediately to the breast specialist oncologist to perform a full examination to dispel doubts.

Adopt healthy lifestyle habitsit can also help reduce the chance of developing breast cancer (although there are also hereditary factors and therefore an annual check-up is important), so it is best to consume the following products in moderation:

  • Saturated fats
  • sugars
  • Canned foods or sausages
  • Avoid using alcohol, tobacco or drugs
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day
  • Having a correct management of emotions
  • Sleep at least 8 or 9 hours a day

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