On Feb. 14, Laine wrote on her “Facebook” account: “The past two years in China have passed without realizing it. I can’t believe we’ve only been wondering how to teach English to little Chinese people without knowing their language, but now we can understand what they are saying to us in their language. And they say: come back as soon as possible! First, we will be back online, and soon. The weather in China was great – not only little Manzhouli and the Mongols, karaoke, the steppe and minus 40 degrees in winter, but also the road in the big country – out of 31 a province, we stayed in as many as 21! Moreover, when we taught English, we learned it like never before. It is better to learn by teaching, it is not real?

The traveling couple Laine Perse and Artūrs Drinins are true enthusiasts who, unafraid of challenges, have traveled almost or all over the world. Travel descriptions are collected in books, a total of five have already been written.