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Travel health insurance without exclusion in the event of pandemics and travel warnings »Travel-Dealz.de

Travel health insurance that maintains coverage in the event of pandemics and travel warnings can be very useful. Especially if you have to go abroad for family reasons or for work and there is currently a travel warning for the country or there is a pandemic.

Unfortunately, there is no credit card that comes with travel health insurance that comes into play in the event of pandemics and travel warnings. Accordingly, in the event that you want or have to travel anyway, you have to take out additional health insurance.

In the following we have taken a look at the annual insurances of all travel health insurances known to us, which also cover you in the event of a pandemic or travel warning.


For information in advance: If a travel warning is issued due to war or civil unrest, some of the insurance companies in our comparison do not apply.


All details about the insurance are no guarantee. We just want to help you with your research with our listing. It is your own duty of care to check our information again in the insurance conditions of the provider.

All insurances that we mention below offer the following protection:

  • Corona disease covered
  • Excess: € 0
  • Max. Duration per trip: 56 days
  • Region: Worldwide
  • Dental treatments
  • Rescue costs (all insurance policies cover at least € 5,000, some even up to € 10,000)
  • Medical repatriation to the place of residence

Inter foreign travel health insurance

The travel health insurance from Inter is the cheapest insurance in our comparison. You can from 9 € / year to lock. However, there is a minimum contract duration of 2 years.

The following passage can be found in Section 6 (1) c) of the insurance conditions:

There is no obligation to pay benefits for illnesses and accidents including their consequences as well as deaths caused by War events abroad are caused, provided

– when the insured person entered the country, there was already a travel warning from the Foreign Office for the area of ​​residence or
– A travel warning was issued by the Federal Foreign Office for the area of ​​residence after entry and the insured person – without being prevented from doing so by danger to life and limb – has not left the area concerned.

Terrorist attacks and their consequences are not considered war events;

INTER Krankenversicherung AG – General Insurance Conditions (AVB) for the international travel health insurance tariff ReiseAV S (status: 01.01.2018)

It will not be paid if the travel warning can be traced back to a war event. A pandemic and related travel warnings are therefore not a reason for exclusion.

ERGO health insurance abroad (tariff RD)

ERGO insurance comes with a price from 9.90 € / year only slightly more expensive than the cheapest provider in our comparison. Rescue costs of up to € 10,000 will be covered. So if you enjoy remote hiking or other dangerous ventures, then this insurance might not be a bad idea.

A Pandemic or travel warning is used in the insurance conditions as a reason for exclusion not mentioned.

Barmenia Travel + travel health insurance

The Barmenia offers their insurance at a price from € 12.60 / year an.

Section 4 letter c) in the insurance conditions is certainly interesting here:

You receive benefits for costs incurred abroad for outpatient and inpatient treatment as well as dental treatment. This is true for example even if a spreading infectious disease (pandemic) which causes healing treatments.

Barmenia insurance a. G. – Health insurance abroad – TarifTravel + annual travel insurance for singles and families (status: 02.09.2019)

A Travel warning is used in the insurance conditions as a reason for exclusion not mentioned.

HanseMerkur annual travel health insurance VB-KV 2018 (JRV-D)

HanseMerkur insurance comes with a price from 17 € / year not the cheapest in comparison. At first glance, the insurance does not offer any noticeable advantages over other providers.

Section 3.2.3 of the insurance conditions refers to travel warnings:

3.2 We do not pay in the following cases, even if the insured event has occurred:
3.2.3 For illnesses including their consequences as well as for the consequences of accidents caused by foreseeable War or active participation in violence while riots arise. War or civil unrest are considered to be foreseeable if the German Foreign Office issues a travel warning for the respective country before the start of the journey.

HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG – Insurance conditions for the annual travel health insurance VB-KV 2018 (JRV-D)

Accordingly, a pandemic or related travel warning should not be a reason for exclusion.

Conclusion & our recommendation

In the end, of course, it depends on your personal preferences. The insurance of Inter and ERGO are the cheapest in comparison, but seem to have a good scope of benefits. Both insurances are almost identical, but in the end the devil is in the details.

Precisely for this reason the insurance of THEREFORE worth recommending.

Because the insurance does not exclude any insured events due to war or unrest, not even in the event of a travel warning from the Foreign Office (at least this is not mentioned in the insurance conditions). In addition, there is only a minimum contract period of 1 year. Furthermore, rescue costs of up to € 10,000 are covered.

Cover Picture: © Image by Hans Braxmeier on Pixabay

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