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Traumatic Cabin Fire at Vrådalstunet: Owners Describe Unforgettable Experience

– I woke up to crackling noises, so I looked out of the window and then there was a full fire on the veranda.

TRAUMATIC: Cabin owner Johannes Numme describes the experience as traumatic.

Photo: Theodor Aasland Valen / NRK

On Sunday morning, Johannes Numme was woken up by his friend, Peter Brueland, when the cabin they were in was in flames.

Numme is one of three cabin owners at Vrådalstunet cabin field who have now lost their holiday pitch.

He describes the experience as surreal.

– It is a traumatic event, something very few people have experienced.

There were people in two of the three cabins when the fire started, but everyone got out unharmed.

– I’m just happy that everyone survived and no one was injured, says Numme.

Three cabins were completely damaged in the fire in a cabin field in Vrådal in Kviteseid.

Photo: Theodor Aasland Valen / NRK

Stopped spread using water hose

The fire started in one of the cabins but is said to have quickly spread to the surrounding cabins.

– All the windows were broken and the paint was bubbling, it was so hot that we couldn’t be here, says Roar Jakobsen, who owns one of the neighboring cabins.

STOPPED SPREAD: Roar Jakobsen stopped the spread using a water hose and buckets filled with water from the hot tub.

Photo: Theodor Aasland Valen / NRK

With the help of a water hose and buckets of water from the hot tub, he managed to prevent the spread to his cabin.

– It was a matter of minutes, if the fire brigade had come a little later, I don’t think we would have been able to keep it, he says.

The cause of the fire is unknown

On Sunday at 09.52 the police were able to report that the fire was under control.

The cause of the fire is still unknown.

Operations manager for the South-East police district, Kittil Lindheim.

Photo: Theodor Aasland Valen / NRK

– We have interviewed several witnesses at the scene here. In addition to that, investigators must go into the fire site to investigate further, but we have witness information that may indicate that the fire may have started outside one of the cabins, incident leader Kittil Lindheim tells NRK.

2023-10-15 10:46:18

#Heavy #cabin #fire #Kviteseid #traumatic #experience

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