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Trapped in a Rainstorm, Unsoed Students Die on Mount Slamet

Sadewa Natha Radya (19), a climber from the Environmental Guidance Unit (UPL) of Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) Purwokerto died while climbing Mount Slamet, Central Java. In addition, one other student was injured.

The victim who hiked with 6 other students departed on Thursday (23/2) via the Permadi Guci hiking trail, Bumijawa District, Tegal Regency. The victim is suspected of having hypothermia as a result of being caught in a rainstorm at post five on Saturday afternoon.

“On Saturday night, the Permadi Climbing Post received information that one climber had died under the peak of Mount Slamet. However, the SAR team only evacuated the dead on Sunday,” said Bumijawa Police Chief AKP Mukmin to reporters, as reported by detikJateng, Monday (27/2/2023) ).

The process of evacuating the bodies took place dramatically because the officers had to work hard in the middle of a rainstorm. The victim’s body was then taken to Doctor Soesilo Slawi Hospital.

“The victim was found dead by his friend on Saturday, but the evacuation was only carried out on Sunday because it was hampered by a storm at the top of Mount Slamet,” said AKP Mukmin.

Unsoed party said the climber died while participating in the mandatory UPL activity.

“The deceased was part of the Unsoed Environmental Guidance Unit (UPL) which is carrying out the mandatory climbing of Mount Slamet,” said Deputy Chancellor 3 for Student Affairs Dr. Norman Arie Prayogo in a written statement, Monday (27/2/2023).

For this incident, the extended family of Jenderal Soedirman University expressed deep sorrow. His party will seek further handling of the victim’s body.

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