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Transportation startup insists on using Teslas fleet in New York

The agency that regulates taxis in the city of New York decided that it will no longer approve rental licenses for startup Revel, which intended to build a fleet of 50 taxis Tesla Model Y. The intention of the company would be to compete with companies called hitchhiking apps that operate in the city, Uber and Lyft.

The decision was made by the Taxi and Limousine Commission, which is a five-member board. The agency argued that it is not sustainable to allow an unlimited number of new vehicles in a town you are very familiar with traffic congestion.


In response, Revel CEO Frank Reig criticized TLC’s decision, saying that a fleet of Tesla taxis would be greener. And he also affirmed that he will continue in the streets.

Apparently this fight goes very far … And you, what would you think of having electric taxis in your city?

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