Citizens in Winterthur want to prevent the 30 km/h speed limit from also applying on the streets on which city buses drive. (symbol image)
The city council of Winterthur has recognized the “Free Travel for the Bus” initiative as valid, which sets a speed limit of 50 km/h on certain streets. A counter-proposal will not be considered.
The city council of Winterthur has declared the “Free Travel for the Bus” initiative to be valid. This civic initiative calls for a speed limit of 50 km/h to be introduced on state and local roads on which local buses operate. The city council has decided not to submit a counterproposal.
The initiative meets all the necessary criteria, including admissibility, unity of matter, compatibility with higher law and feasibility, as the city council announced on Thursday. The original draft of the initiative was declared invalid because it was formulated too absolutely and violated higher law. In the revised version, these points have been weakened.
Cantonal initiatives and their effects
The city council points out that the “mobility initiative” and the “public transport initiative” as well as a government counter-proposal are currently being examined at the cantonal level by the parliamentary commission for energy, transport and the environment (KEVU). These initiatives also deal with the introduction of a 50 km/h speed limit on public transport roads.
The “mobility initiative” aims to give the canton sole responsibility for speed regulations on state roads and roads of supra-municipal importance in the cities of Zurich and Winterthur. If this initiative were accepted, it would no longer be possible for the Winterthur city parliament to issue its own regulation, as required by the “Free Travel” initiative. The city council rejects both the “mobility initiative” and the “public transport initiative” as well as the government council’s counter-proposal.
we, sda