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Transport Crisis in Ile-de-France: Concerns and Warnings Ahead of Parisian Buses Opening for Competition in 2024

The opening to competition of Parisian buses must be effective in 2024, therefore during the Olympic Games, but “nothing is ready”, worries this Thursday on France Inter, Stéphane Peu, PCF deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis and co-rapporteur of a parliamentary fact-finding mission on the Olympic Games.

Published on 06/07/2023 09:15

Reading time: 2 min.

Stéphane Peu, PCF deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, guest of France Inter on July 6, 2023. (Radiofrance)

While the Paris Games are due to start on July 26, 2024, the PCF deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis Stéphane Peu shares Thursday July 6 on France Inter his “worry” in relation to transport. It is “the big black point of the report” of the parliamentary fact-finding mission on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Stéphane Peu questions the level of public transport service in Île-de-France, but also “obstinacy” from Valérie Pécresse regarding the opening of the competition for RATP buses.

>> Transport crisis in Ile-de-France: elected officials ask for the postponement of the opening of buses to competition

If Stéphane Peu, co-rapporteur of this fact-finding mission, is certain that “the infrastructure [sont] ready” for the Games and will meet the deadlines, the same is not true, according to him, for transport. Especially since “we are already in Île-de-France with a degraded situation from the point of view of public transport”, he laments. The communist deputy regrets that Ile-de-France transport has not “not regained their pre-Covid level of service”. However, Stéphane Peu expects a considerable increase in the number of users: “The Games in August, it will be a classic traffic with +15%, whereas usually in August, we have traffic at less 30 or 40%”, he explains. In this context, these traffic forecasts require “a very strong mobilization of agents and to regain a level of services”warns the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis.

The co-rapporteur of the fact-finding mission denounces above all the attitude of Valérie Pécresse, president of Île-de-France Mobilités, the authority responsible for organizing transport in the Ile-de-France region. He claims to collide “to an incomprehensible obstinacy” from the president of the Île-de-France region. “Everyone tells Valérie Pécresse not to go down this path, but she wants at all costs to maintain the deadline for opening up to competition from Parisian buses”, laments Stéphane Peu. The communist deputy carried a bill initially aimed at postponing the deadline for the end of the RATP monopoly to the end of 2028, but at the beginning of May he withdrew this text from the agenda of the National Assembly, because that he felt she had been “distorted” by an amendment of the majority and the group Les Républicains.

The decree has not yet appeared

In the absence of a postponement, the opening to competition is therefore “scheduled for January 1, 2025, but it must be effective during 2024” et “it’s completely concomitant with the Games”, assures Stéphane Peu. The communist parliamentarian affirms that “nothing is ready” : “The employees do not know where they will go, the negotiations within the RATP cannot be conducted since the decree has not been published, it is not reasonable”, he says. He thus accuses Valérie Pécresse of not “not be reasonable” and of “to be stubborn”. “In a tense social climate, everyone must be responsible for calming the climate, everyone must make an effort”estimates the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis.

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#Paris #PCF #deputy #Stéphane #Peu #denounces #stubbornness #Valérie #Pécresse #relation #opening #Parisian #buses #competition

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