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Transparent management of public finances: ONECCA-BF establishes a modified accelerated program

• For stakeholders in the health sector

• Thanks to the experience of the African Professionalization Initiative (API)

• Training will be provided by Oneca business school (OBS)

The president of ONECCA-BF, Yacouba Traoré, recalled the very important role of accounting experts in the management of public administration (Ph. YS).

LThe National Order of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Accountants of Burkina Faso (ONECCA-BF) proceeded, on September 23, 2024, in Ouagadougou, to the launch of the accelerated learning program – the planned accelerated learning program (ALP) for finance and the public sector. accounting. This program is part of the capacity building project to improve the qualification of financial professionals in the public sector, financial reporting and strengthening transparency and accountability.

Transparent management of public finances: ONECCA-BF establishes a modified accelerated program
The representative of the Minister of Finance, Dr. Seydou Diallo, welcomed the ONECCA-BF initiative to promote transparency in financial management in the health sector. (Ph. Ivan Sama)

To stabilize the project and above all, Onecca used the knowledge of the African Professionalism Initiative (API) by signing a memorandum of understanding between the two structures. The president of Onecca, Seydou Traoré, recalled the very important role of accounting experts in the management of public administration. Therefore, he said, Onecca is committed to implementing the API. He noted that the specificity of the program was a direct response to the benefit of developing countries in the management of public finances, and in particular, in the management of funds intended for health.

The main objective of the API, according to him, is to strengthen the capacity of accounting professionals in the public sector, to promote greater accountability, with a focus on health. For Seydou Traoré, this initiative will, on the one hand, improve professional skills by offering continuous training, and on the other hand, it will strengthen Onecca’s idea of ​​public service within the public sector, contributing to the development continuous on accounting standards in Burknina Faso. He mentioned that during the program, Onecca which would contribute to strengthening the foundations of transparency, accountability and good financial management which are necessary for the sustainable development of the country. The President thanked all the technical and financial partners, especially the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA), Gavi Vaccine Alliance, Global Fund to send the – fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (The Global Fund). funds), which made this project a reality. Evans Mulera, head of the Secretariat of the CEO-API, welcomed the realization of this memorandum of understanding which, in his opinion, will strengthen the skills of Burkinabe professionals in public finance.

The Burkinabe government welcomed the initiative

Family photo with all technical and financial partners. (Ph. Ivan Sama)

The representative of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Prospects, Dr. Seydou Diallo, confirmed that the API was a decisive step forward in strengthening the capabilities of financial professionals in the public sector. Regarding this noble goal, he congratulated ONECCA-BF which is part of the desire of the Burkinabe government to promote transparency in the management of public finances, especially in the health sector. He explained that the program responded to two major challenges for Burkina Faso, that is, to allow accountants in the health sector to better manage allocated finances and, in turn, other health investors to attract better. The specific health training modules will help to solve the challenges faced by professionals, he suggested. The technical advisor recalled that Burkina Faso was of great importance to strict and transparent management of public finances; because, he says, effective management of financial resources is the key to sustainable development. The API will be provided by Onecca business school (OBS) which is a center of excellence established by ONECCA-BF. Partner schools and academic training were present at this ceremony.


Box 1

Objectives of the API-ALP program

-Improve the qualifications of accounting professionals in the public sector;

– Guaranteeing more transparency in financial statements;

– Strengthening accountability in the management of public resources.

Box 2

About the ONECCA-BF

LONECCA-BF is the national organization of the accounting profession that is dedicated to serving the public good by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of a strong economy in Burkina Faso…. ONECCA-BF consists of 140 members, including 100 individuals and 48 companies. ONECCA-BF is a member of ABWA, PAFA, FIDEF and IFAC.

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