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Transjakarta Chief Executive Officer M Yana Aditya was officially replaced


DKI Jakarta Interim Governor (PJ) Heru Budi Hartono has overhauled TransJakarta’s board of directors. One of them is the CEO (CEO) TransJakarta M Yana Aditya has been officially replaced.

“Noting that TransJakarta is one of the major transportation means in Jakarta and in order to provide public transportation services with a wide range of services, the replacement of the Chief Director of PT Transportasi Jakarta is part of the efforts and strategies carried out by the The shareholders will renew the management of PT Transportasi Jakarta Jakarta, so it is hoped that PT Transportasi Jakarta can play a maximum role in providing public transport services to the community,” BP BUMD interim head DKI Jakarta Fitria said in a written statement. Rahadiani, Wednesday (11/1/2023).

Also, his party nominated M Kuncoro Wibowo to become Director Utama TransJakarta replaces Yana. Kuncoro has experience working as a managing director at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI), so he should be able to strengthen the internal transportation security and safety system.

“The policy of appointing Mr. M Kuncoro Wibowo as Chief Director of PT Transportasi Jakarta who has work experience in business transformation one of which is at PT KAI (Persero) should be able to make PT Transportasi Jakarta a catalyst for the integration and strengthening internal systems for the safety, comfort and safety of public transport.

In addition, the DKI provincial government appointed Luky Arliansyah as Interim Commissioner and Chief Commissioner to replace Sudirman Said and Bambang Eko as Transjakarta Commissioners.

M Yana Aditya has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Transjakarta since November 2021. He replaced the previous Chief Executive Officer, Sardjono Jhony, who passed away due to illness.

See also “TransJ to Add Fleet of Pink Buses to Prevent Sexual Assault”:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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