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Transition with unnecessary clients – PublicoGT

Miguel Angel Sandoval

In football, an uninteresting or street game is called chamusca. Nothing at stake, no points, no calls, nothing. It is the same with the questions that are now being raised in Congress, where people already know that their only interest is to obstruct legislative work with distractions unique. But, in addition, these fares called interpellations show the systematic ban that the corrupt face encourages in every way.

Perhaps the only question that makes any sense is that of the Home Secretary, given the perception of insecurity we are getting, although much of it is freely created -voluntarily as a way to create instability, according to the known script of those who want. government boycott; but the reasons for improving national security are not far from it. Although the interventions of the minister of culture or the minister of foreign affairs are something less than showing parliamentary onanism. It is the plain and simple truth.

What are they going to ask the current minister of culture? If it is for the May parks, they should get the former minister who must be running out of his guard. Well, in the current exercise there is not much to say about culture, except to struggle to give more money to a ministry that does not have them or if it has some, the ministers who was previously stolen. We already know the names of those who have excelled at having no knowledge of culture, and have also done nothing appropriate. Except for defending yourself in criminal trials for corruption.

Regarding the questioning of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the truth is that only the superficial nature of Mrs Jovel can be explained, as she is a woman who excelled in demanding that the CICIG be sent to – out to protect conviction and corruption, and from there. From now on he does not show anything worthwhile. But now, it may be the idea to put the foreign minister in trouble, with questions about the UN vote to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state, which has been Guatemala’s state policy since 1947/8. In other words, you have to have an institutional response, which you should know about otherwise.

Although the only thing that could happen is an interesting discussion about the genocide that Israel has been doing in Palestine since last year, and which goes back to the wars (1956, 1967, 1973, and others up to the present day) who seek the destruction of Palestine since its establishment. That may be something worthwhile, but on the condition that people see this through the transport channel, that there is no silent transition, but that there is a public debate.

And perhaps it is a good time for Jovel to explain why the Guatemalan embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, breaking the United Nations agreement and Guatemala’s historical policy towards Israel and Palestine. And perhaps it would be a good opportunity to explain the reasons why today, Israel is being tried in the International Court of Justice, for genocide, at the request and with the support of South Africa from many other countries, including Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia Chile, and many from Asia and Africa. And as we know this is not something that the Chancellor has to explain.

In short, the interconnections that the opposition wants, which do not even come close, are insignificant, and I do not believe that the Congress will improve its performance, with the -those exercises led by useless producers, only suitable for that kind of funny tragicomedies. . Don’t be embarrassed either.

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