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Transition – PublicoGT


Fernando Cajas

As if it were a series of comedians that appear daily in our imagination: Porras, Curruchiche and Orellana with the same trite news, Semilla did not remain, does not remain and will not remain. They know that what they are doing is against the law, that is clear to them, but what they really want is to create in the Guatemalan imagination that it is normal for the public ministry, MP, to replace the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, TSE. In other words, the plan to develop the Slow Motion Coup is: first, to normalize in the national imagination that Semilla was actually founded illegally and second, to convince ourselves that Bernardo Arévalo does not meet the requirements to be president of Guatemala. We all know that this is false, the MP also knows it, but the plan is to normalize the MP’s illegal interference in the Guatemalan elections. This plan is:

1. Get the MP to replace the constitutional functions of the TSE

2. Ensure the corrupt alliance between the MP, the TSE and judges, such as the pseudo judge Orellana of the Seventh Court of Narco Activity and Crimes Against the Environment to obtain totally illegal search and arrest warrants.

3. Ensure that some otherwise corrupt institutions remain; and that still have a little credibility, such as the illegal Constitutional Court, CC, and the more illegal Supreme Court of Justice, CSJ, to issue credible orders.

4. Ensure the support of other corrupt people for the coming pitched battle, such as Joviel Acevedo and others, who will be rewarded with new gifts from public funds.

5. Prepare in the Guatemalan imagination that a change will be made on January 14, but do not say what they really want to do: they will not hand over Arévalo.

Because political life has its own contingent dynamics and every time they try to manipulate one part of the system, many unpredictable effects result in other parts of the system, the Corrupt Pact has made many mistakes in this electoral process. They didn’t even imagine that Semilla would be a finalist for the second round. Already in the second round it was clear that they would lose badly because Sandra Torres cannot win, even if she competes alone. When they began their brutal attack against Semilla, the director of the Citizens Registry Office told them no, I am not going to ignore Semilla and then, months later, he said yes, but he did it prematurely, with this he opened the doors for Semilla would present an amparo in such a way that the court would have no choice but to not allow Semilla to be suspended. In that slow motion script we are still in the episode: Trying to Suspend Semilla, but we still depend on the constitutional court, but the fate of the Corrupt Pact was cast like the title of García Márquez’s classic novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold.

The Pact of Corrupts, which are not only these pawns of Porras, Churruchiche and Orellana, but rather the national oligarchy, the monopolies of the companies that have captured the State, the political turncoats without identity but stealing, the drug trafficker who even put a president in the executive, in the legislative and in the judicial and all within the State, such is the case of La Línea, which although it lost its temporary CEO R. Baldetti, continues to function as if nothing happened, they only changed their motto to: « With CICIG or without CICIG we continue managing customs.» Worse still, the Corrupt Pact would not exist if we ordinary citizens did not oil the machinery of corruption with daily actions, which each one will have to evaluate.

The current moment we live in Guatemala is key to building identity. This past Saturday, already in September, we have made ourselves clear and have asked that the results of the last elections be respected, without this we will not have even the minimum of democracy.

I do not believe that the Corrupt Pact understands peaceful demonstrations for democracy. These only understand blows. With Vice President Harris’ recent call to Arévalo, another chapter of our relationship with the United States opens, one of more respect, one of more mutual collaboration. If the Corrupt Pact insists on imposing its coup narrative led by these three crazy people, Mou (Porras), Larry (Curruchiche) and Curley (Orellana), the Americans will only have to issue economic sanctions, the kind that really hurt the Pact of Corrupts.

As things stand, we are heading towards a forced transition of power. Miguelito loses his charm of making presidents fall in love, the monopolies are beginning to think about a new business model, the drug traffickers are already thinking about emigrating to other places, public officials will reflect on our responsibility in this mess of corruption, ordinary citizens will defend our political rights and the international community will seek to put pressure where it hurts the already known Corrupt Pact. In this scenario of forced march, the new presidential couple will be able to refine their government plan and I will continue with my work of training scientific researchers, improving education, science and technology programs, transforming engineering education programs and traveling to the Michigan State University again.

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