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Transgender man waiting for his first baby with his partner, a trans woman

Is about a couple where both are transgender and are in postponement of their first baby, which they granted naturally, without having to come to assisted fertilization. Despite the fact that they consider themselves a frequent couple, like any other, society sees them differently, even more so because it is the man who is pregnant.

The couple made up of Franco Di Piero, 28, and Hannah Palacios, 44, both Argentines, have become the target of criticism for many who already know their history or have spent them on the street. Society was founded on stripping people who decide to break stereotypes, without stopping to think that this is what makes them happy. As is the case with this couple, the two They assure that they are in love and feel happy with the daring they took.

The couple had the desire to be parents, they planned everything and Francisco had to interrupt the hormonal treatment which she had been doing for 5 years, then she had to wait a few months until she returned to pain and produced eggs. Finally they achieved the objective, they are in the calm of their first baby, which will be biologically male; Without kidnapping, future parents assure that if their little one wants to change sex in the future, they will support him.

It has been a pregnancy prepared and longed for, but appropriate to his position, they have been antithetical under prejudice and criticism against him. Without kidnapping, Franco and Hannah admit to feeling prepared to confront all the bad comments and permanent stares they receive on a daily basis.

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The entry Transgender man in patience with his first baby adjacent to his partner, a trans woman was first published in Because it did not occur to me.

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