No ovarian or hysterectomy to conceive
A transgender couple in India who became a hot topic on social media by releasing a ‘husband’s full-term picture’ has safely embraced a new life.
On the 7th (local time), the British BBC introduced the story of a transgender couple, Ziya Pabal (21) and Zahad (23). Pabal said that she was male when she was born, but she now identifies herself as female. Conversely, Zahad was born female, but she is now a transgender couple who consider themselves male.
It was a year and a half ago that the two decided to have a baby. While undergoing gender transition, the two discontinued hormone treatment. just to have children. Zahard, who was undergoing gender transition from female to male, was able to conceive because her ovaries and uterus had not yet been removed. Because of this, Zahard was able to take a ‘picture of her husband’s due date’.
“This is very rare in India,” Pabal and Zahard said. “As far as we know, there are no transgender people[in India]identifying themselves as their biological parents.”
“It is estimated that there are about 2 million transgender people in India,” the BBC said. “In 2014, the Supreme Court of India ruled that they have the same rights as everyone else.” However, the BBC noted that “transgender people within India still struggle to access education and health care and often face prejudice.”
The two gave birth to a baby on the 8th, about a month earlier than the original due date. Pabal posted a picture holding the baby’s small hand on Instagram that day and said, “At 9:37 am this morning, a 2.92kg baby was born safely with a loud cry.” . The couple has yet to reveal the gender of their baby.
Jang Ji-min, guest reporter [email protected]