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Transforming Walls, Transforming Lives: A Return to Work Program Empowering Women in Toulouse

Since March, eight women from the Reynerie, Bellefontaine, Lardenne and Papus districts have been taking part in a return to work program, promoted and financed by the Métropole within the framework of the educational city of Grand Mirail.

” To begin with “, explains Abir of the association See and Understand ” we discussed with the women accompanied by us on their professional wishes. Thus, Fatima wants to create her own restaurant, Soueyr wants to work in airport security or this other participant who would like to work in a school canteen. From these first exchanges, and their desire to participate in this program, they were invited to meet in the digital spaces of Reynerie, with the teams of the employment department of the metropolis. The opportunity to refine their objectives, to enable them to get to know each other better, to tackle certain themes and to create a dynamic. Nutrition, sport, health and well-being workshops were organized, outings to the theater offered. »

Regain confidence

« The objective is to restore the confidence of these women so that they can find their place in society. “explains Monia Amallal of the employment department at the Metropolis. ” Allowing them to project themselves and dream is important. The white walls of the digital spaces inspired us. Why not transform them into a colorful fresco on the theme of employment, life in the city and digital?

An idea that made its way and became the red thread of this program, under the leadership of the graffiti artist Mia Dana Even our children came to help paint! » says Fatima. During these pictorial sessions, the participants were able to meet employment professionals. A moment outside the walls, less formal.

Today, a magnificent fresco of 30 mx 2.50 decorates the exterior wall of the digital spaces. The concrete illustration of a step towards employment.

2023-08-29 18:51:19

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