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Transform your recipes with flavorful spices to reduce sugar and fat intake

Healthy food doesn’t have to be tasteless or boring. There’s a simple and flavorful way to cut down on sugar and fat in your dishes—spices! These little culinary treasures not only offer a variety of flavors, but can transform food into a pleasant and healthy sensory experience.

Make your food healthy and tasty: Reduce sugar and fat with the help of spices

When we talk about healthy eating, we don’t just mean the type of food we choose, but also the way we prepare it. Of course, instead of frying fish, we know it’s healthier to cook it in the oven or on the grill. Another important aspect to keep in mind when cooking healthy, is to enrich our dishes with spices and aromatic herbs. Due to their strong and aromatic taste, they can be added to dishes, partially replacing the amount of fat or sugars normally used. Let’s see what these spices are and how you can use them.

Natural flavors and sugar substitutes

The easiest way to sweeten our desserts in a healthy way is to use fresh, ripe or dried fruits (apple, bananas, figs and pears) or sweet vegetables (pumpkin, carrot and beetroot). All can be used in various recipes to make biscuit dough, sauces or syrups, as such or mixed with milk or vegetable drinks. In addition, the dishes are more colorful and attractive to children.

Another option to achieve this effect is to use nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts or chestnuts) and certain sweet spices (cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg and ginger). Due to their organoleptic properties, they are often used in confectionery products.

Spices to put instead of salt

On the other hand, there are aromatic herbs or hot spices that can help us reduce the intake of salt in the diet. Basil, parsley, dill, thyme or rosemary are usually added to salads or meat and fish dishes, which give the dish a fresh and refreshing aroma, but also some medicinal value, thanks to their antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial power.

Spicy spices such as curry, red pepper, cayenne or chili are ideal for seasoning marinated meats, rice or fish and have the advantage that, in addition to adding flavor, they can reduce the amount of food consumed, thanks to the presence of capsaicin that helps regulate appetite.

Good fats

As for fats, the ones that are harmful to health such as palm oil and products that tend to contain it, such as ultra-processed or industrial pastries, should be avoided. Use extra virgin olive oil, as it is rich in monounsaturated fats, oleic acid and antioxidants, which help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease as well as high blood cholesterol, although quantities should be controlled as it contains many calories.

Choose to cook dishes with protein content (meat, eggs) and vegetables to the detriment of fried foods, pasta, breading, such as schnitzels, croquettes, etc.

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Practical tips for the daily use of spices

Use salt flavored with spices

Mix salt with aromatic herbs and spices and you will have multiple advantages: on the one hand, you will reduce salt consumption, relieving problems such as fluid retention or hypertension, on the other hand, you will take advantage of the active ingredients of the spices to improve digestion and to speed up metabolism.

Reduce your sweet tooth with the help of spices

Using spices like cinnamon or cloves will give you healthy nutrients as well as a nice taste to your desserts. In addition, they have the property of reducing sweet or snacking cravings. Whenever you are faced with the uncontrollable desire to serve something sweet, nibble on a cinnamon stick, you will see how the craving will instantly subside.

Spices not only improve the taste of dishes, but can successfully replace sugar and fat in the kitchen. Cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, turmeric and basil are just some of the spices that can give a sensational and healthy taste to food. Experiment with these spices and enjoy a cuisine full of delicious flavors and healthier options for your body.

See also What you can replace bread with. Alternatives that can be a great option for your diet

2023-07-01 17:00:51
#Condiments #brilliantly #replace #sugar #fat #give #sensational #taste #dish

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