Home » Health » Transfer of Territorial Rehabilitation from Collemaggio to the G8 Container: clarification in the Third Council Commission

Transfer of Territorial Rehabilitation from Collemaggio to the G8 Container: clarification in the Third Council Commission

The meeting requested by the Aquila Coraggiosa council group took place on Tuesday 5 November 2024 with the General Director of ASL 1 Dr. Ferdinando Romano and with the Health Director Dr. Mascitelli.

The request had as its object the in-depth analysis of the matter relating to the transfer of the Territorial Rehabilitation Unit from Collemaggio to the container called G8 allocated to the San Salvatore Hospital.

In light of the resolution adopted by ASL 1 which established said transfer, defining it as provisional, I asked the interlocutors a blunt question, namely when and how the inspections were carried out at the Collemaggio facility, what were the critical issues that emerged and in which reports or the results of the inspections themselves can be found in the documents.

The General Director Romano pointed out that there were numerous requests to transfer the structure, requests received from dozens and dozens and dozens of families of minors.

I pointed out that, in reality, there are also different opinions expressed by other families with minors in relation to the transfer and the Director stated that there is an inter-family conflict and added that he doesn’t know why some want to leave and others don’t.

He then declared that since the transfer, Monday 4 November, he has already received many positive feedback from families of minors, enthusiastic about the G8 container.

I subsequently asked what the outlook is with respect to the Collemaggio structure, whether a return to it is envisaged and, if so, what timeframes might be needed.

Dr. Romano replied that the structure needs to be reclaimed, but it is currently difficult to find the resources to intervene.

Dr. Romano also referred to the recent Cipess resolution which allocated huge resources for the redevelopment of the area, but specified that for now the Collemaggio area is a context where only the quietest and safest activities can be maintained, given that it is, according to him, a dangerous area, with the presence of drug addicts and homeless people.

He defined the structure that hosted the Territorial Rehabilitation for fifteen years as dilapidated and abandoned, reiterating that these are the reasons why it was necessary to intervene, recalling once again the many requests received from family members and employees, but above all family members, who were very afraid to go there.

Romano also added that it was necessary to find a structure that was sufficiently qualified also for the increase in surface area and the G8 container with its 300 m2 immediately appeared suitable, with four assistance rooms, for minors and adults.

The G8 container – added Romano – has several advantages: being on the ground floor, with independent access, with a large car park in front, in short, the best.

I asked how the dozens and dozens of reports had been received and the General Director replied “through phone calls”, I asked who had received these phone calls, but there was no response

In this regard, Dr. Mascitelli specified that the phone calls occurred over time, one after the other.

I then asked again where it is possible to obtain the results of the inspections, but Dr. Mascitelli clarified that “there is no need for inspections to detect critical issues”; he added that “the activities of our technicians were carried out in a monitored manner, but without putting anything in writing”. The only inspection of which there is a trace dates back to 2019, after which nothing was put down in black and white.

Mascitelli specified that the structure does not meet regulatory criteria and that it was (in relation to the transfer) a management choice that falls within organizational autonomy, to be considered a transitory act.

Romano concluded that “technical time” will be needed for the rehabilitation to return to Collemaggio.

It won’t be tomorrow, concluded Mascitelli.

In light of this discussion, it was necessary and urgent to request the convening of the Third Council Commission to delve deeper into the matter, through hearings with the General Director Romano, the Health Director Mascitelli, the Administrative Director Di Rocco, Dr. Franco Marinangeli, Dr. . Antonello Bernardi, of Eng. Antonello Tursini Director of the Technical Department, of Dr. Valentina Parlatore Director of Personnel.

In the foreground

14 Nov 2024

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