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Trains, stop distancing


Trains, stop distancing

Stop the distance of one meter for long-distance trains. The MIT announces the new provisions for rail transport, foreseen by the dpcm of 14 July. In a press release it is explained that “it is allowed to derogate from the interpersonal distance of one meter” respecting some rules. While ” the possibility of using the opposite seats (face to face) is excluded in the event that it is not possible to permanently guarantee the interpersonal distance of at least one meter, without prejudice to the possibility of derogating from this rule if passengers are living together in the same housing unit”.

The use of a mask and the self-certification of each passenger who at the time of purchase of the ticket specifies: not to be affected by covid-19 or to have not been subject to a mandatory quarantine period of at least 14 days; not to experience symptoms (in the past 14 days). The passenger undertakes to renounce the trip and inform the competent Health Authority, in the event that any of the aforementioned symptoms emerge before the trip or the railway services used occur within eight days of arrival at the destination.

In addition, the derogation to the spacing can be applied provided that some rules are respected: the air on board is renewed both through the air conditioning system and by opening the external doors to the stops, the flows are vertical and procedures are adopted at the in order to ensure that the passenger ascent and descent doors remain open during the scheduled stops at the stations, as well as in the case where specific health safety protocols are adopted, providing in particular for the measurement, by the Operator, of the temperature in the station before access to the train and prohibiting boarding in the event of temperatures above 37.5 ° C.

Boarding and alighting from the train must be individually regulated, as well as the location of the assigned seat, which in no case can be changed during the journey, in order to avoid close contact between passengers during the handling phase. Finally, the measures in force since 14 July were subject to the presentation of an appropriate organizational plan presented by the managers.

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