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Training on Vaccination During Pregnancy: Ensuring Safe Practices for Health Personnel

Health personnel are trained on vaccination during pregnancy

The academic day was held within the framework of the twelfth anniversary of the State Vaccinology Center of the Ministry of Health
Issues were addressed that will allow the personnel involved in vaccination to distinguish between biological ones that are safe and which are not recommended during pregnancy, as well as the correct application technique.

Zacatecas, Zac., August 30, 2023.- Raising the quality of medical services in the entity is a clear objective that has been set since Governor David Monreal Ávila began his term, at the head of the state administration; For this reason, priority has been given to the constant training and updating of the medical and nursing staff of the Ministry of Health (SSZ), which on this occasion held an update session on vaccination during pregnancy.

Natalia Fernández Carlos, head of the Department of Disease Prevention and Control of the SSZ, led this academic exercise, which was carried out within the framework of the twelfth anniversary of the State Vaccinology Center, which belongs to the same agency.

Vaccination during pregnancy is a powerful tool that offers the opportunity to protect two lives at the same time, this was the premise that served as the framework theme for the different topics that were addressed during the event.

It is necessary to point out that there are recommended vaccines, but some should be avoided during this period, hence the importance that health personnel be aware of their classification and their correct application techniques.

Among the speakers who gave talks were Jaime Gabriel Serna Navarrete, with the topic of comprehensive vaccination of pregnant women, and Carlos Gómez Rodríguez, who spoke about immunity during this same period.

In the same way, there was talk about the anti-influenza vaccine during pregnancy, by Carmen Espinosa Sotero; as well as the events supposedly attributed to vaccination and immunization in pregnancy, a topic that was developed by Gloria María Riestra Campa.

During the event, there was also the presence of workers from other public sector agencies, as well as private hospitals and the representation of the College of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the State of Zacatecas.

In the inauguration ceremony of this training, recognitions were given to outstanding personnel in the universal vaccination program.


2023-08-30 22:27:50
#Health #personnel #trained #vaccination #pregnancy

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