We would like to inform you of the results of the training match (vs. Fukuyama City FC) held today.
Date and time
Saturday, October 14, 2023 11:00 Kick-off
Akitakada City Soccer Park
Match time
120 points (30 points x 4)
Match results
Sanfrecce Hiroshima 10-2 Fukuyama City FC
[1st run]1-2
[2nd match]4-0
[3rd match]3-0
[4th game]2-0
Score progress
[1st game]1 minute: <
[1st game]17 minutes: <
[1st game]22 minutes: Douglas Vieira (1-2)
[2nd match]7 minutes: Daiya Matsumoto (2-2)
[2nd run]10 minutes: Rikujiki Kato (3-2)
[2nd game]17 minutes: Ezekieu (4-2)
[2nd run]25 minutes: Sota Koshido (5-2)
[3rd run]8 minutes: Shunki Higashi (6-2)
[3rd run]9 minutes: Yusuke Chajima (7-2)
[3rd]26 minutes: Yasushi Matsumoto (8-2)
[4th]10 minutes: Yasushi Matsumoto (9-2)
[4th]13 minutes: Nassim Ben Khalifa (10-2)
prepare for exam
Details such as members will be withheld.
2023-10-14 10:09:42
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