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Training: Companies in the northern district of Diepholz

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Numerous companies from the region welcome new young professionals.

Photo: Christin Klose/dpa

For many young people, training is the beginning of a new and exciting phase in their lives. The training companies in the Verden district wish their new team members a good start.

Electro Thoms GmbH

Elektro Thoms welcomes the new trainees (from left) Orhan Yigit, Luca Wendte, Mats Growe and Lukas Lohmann.

Elektro Thoms welcomes the new trainees (from left) Orhan Yigit, Luca Wendte, Mats Growe and Lukas Lohmann.

Photo: elektro Thoms

The new training year began on August 1st and we are pleased to be able to fill the apprenticeship positions as electronics technicians for automation and systems technology and electronics technicians for energy and building technology. We wish our new trainees a successful start to their professional lives and lots of joy in their work. Elektrotechnik Thoms has been successfully represented on the market for over 25 years thanks to its expertise in the field of automation/EMSR in mechanical and plant engineering. In our work, we carry out planning, engineering and implementation – from machines with robot cells to power plant boilers for district heating supply to entire districts. In our family-run company with a team that is young on average, you can expect exciting tasks, nice colleagues and great events.

Black Forxx GmbH

Six correct answers for Black Forxx in Stuhr: All the best for the start of your training.

Six correct answers for Black Forxx in Stuhr: All the best for the start of your training.

Black Forxx GmbH

The trainers S. Hartjen and D. Intemann can look forward to six new trainees this year. M. Fahkro, M. Nick and J. Dörr have chosen to train as mechatronics engineers (m/f/d). P. Eicke, S. Mirsa and C. Tettenborn have chosen to work as a merchant (m/f/d) in wholesale and foreign trade management. In order to get a quick overview of the company and to get to know the entire BlackForxx team, we are once again organizing a trainee rally. Here, the trainees have to answer a wide variety of questions and ask the relevant colleagues. Our aim is for our trainees to become independent and solution-oriented employees who can use their know-how in a targeted manner after being taken on. The “Trainees 2025 wanted” application process will start again in November / December.

Kattau + Partner Tax Advisors

Albert Budelmann (l.) and training officer Larissa Weber (r.) welcomed the two new trainees to become tax clerks: Anne Nothdurft (2nd from left) and Jonas Herdt (2nd from right).

Albert Budelmann (l.) and training officer Larissa Weber (r.) welcomed the two new trainees to become tax clerks: Anne Nothdurft (2nd from left) and Jonas Herdt (2nd from right).

Photo: Kattau + Partner

On August 1, 2024, partner Albert Budelmann and training officer Larissa Weber personally welcomed the two new trainees to become tax clerks, Anne Nothdurft and Jonas Herdt, to the tax consultancy firm in Stuhr-Brinkum. For the coming training year 2025, the renowned firm is again offering training positions as tax clerks and is already looking forward to your inquiries and applications, which will be answered promptly. In addition, the option of an internship is also offered in order to gain a deeper insight into the diverse training content and the modern and digital training positions. You can find further information about the training, the firm and the extensive benefits on our homepage at www.kattau-partner.de.

straschu Group

The new trainees (from left): Dennis Omerovic, Raphael Poppenborg, Tom-Luca Voss, Jannis Risse, Dean Patrick Bollhorst, Salsabil Amaral, Lara Biskup and Briana Winkelmann. Missing from the picture are Taha Hadi and Marissa Potters.

The new trainees (from left): Dennis Omerovic, Raphael Poppenborg, Tom-Luca Voss, Jannis Risse, Dean Patrick Bollhorst, Salsabil Amaral, Lara Biskup and Briana Winkelmann. Missing from the picture are Taha Hadi and Marissa Potters.

Photo: Maximilian Geiselbrecht

At the straschu Group, we also welcomed ten new “strazubis” who met at our headquarters in Stuhr on August 1st for their induction day. They were given a warm welcome, shown around the companies and got to know their new colleagues. Over the next few years, they will work towards their successful completion in one of the following professions: industrial clerk (m/f/d), wholesale and foreign trade management clerk (m/f/d), office management clerk (m/f/d), personnel services clerk (m/f/d), electronics technician for devices and systems (m/f/d), IT specialist for system integration (m/f/d) and warehouse logistics specialist (m/f/d). We wish the trainees much success and joy on their new and exciting path into professional life. The straschu Group employs around 300 people at seven locations. There are exciting and varied working environments to explore here. Straschu is again offering a wide range of apprenticeships for the coming year – become part of our team!

Ironworks Bassum GmbH

The EWB welcomes the young talents in perfect weather.

The EWB welcomes the young talents in perfect weather.

Photo: Eisenwerke Bassum

Eisenwerk Bassum GmbH is proud to welcome eleven new trainees and one dual student to the Bassum and Sulingen locations this year! After a successful welcome and get-to-know-you day on August 1, 2024, our EWB juniors have now started their new jobs highly motivated. This year we are training four design mechanics, one industrial clerk, six industrial mechanics and one dual mechanical engineering student. An apprenticeship at EWB means a demanding job with exciting and responsible tasks in a modern company. During the training, sound skills and abilities are taught in the various apprenticeships. During the training, you go through various departments and areas, where our trainers provide intensive theoretical and practical support. We are also a member of the taff! Training center in Bassum, where commercial trainees in particular are taught additional content and external courses are held regularly. This offers an excellent opportunity for our young employees to think outside the box and exchange ideas with other trainees. The ironworks is happy to have the opportunity to train so many young people. We have the opportunity to pass on our knowledge and experience not only in the form of training, but also through internships, for example. We are pleased about the large number of new members and wish everyone much success and lots of fun!

Waste Management Company mbH Bassum

Carlo Wiese is learning the profession of environmental technologist at AWG Bassum.

Carlo Wiese is learning the profession of environmental technologist at AWG Bassum.

Photo: AWG Bassum

Controlling technical processes, operating systems, applying legal regulations and documenting operational processes – just some of the topics that Carlo Wiese will be dealing with over the next three years. The Twistringer started his training in the AWG Bassum team on August 1st and, as a prospective environmental technologist for recycling and waste management, will delve into the intricacies of waste disposal and plant technology. To start the new phase of his life, the daily programme included a morning welcome in the company of our trainers, human resources and our managing director Sebastian Koch. An overview of the organisational structure of AWG Bassum was followed by a tour of the site. For the lunch break, many employees gathered around a food truck and took the opportunity for a first chat with the new arrival. About an hour later, the horses were saddled for a ride to Bremen-Walle. Together with the other trainees, their driving skills were put to the test on the local go-kart track and the podium winners were rewarded with certificates. We wish our new trainee Carlo an instructive, interesting but also always fun three years in the AWG team.

Windows & Doors World GmbH & Co. KG

Support for the Fenster & Türen Welt team: Training manager Silke Müller welcomes Carla Protsch and Lucy Rintz.

Support for the Fenster & Türen Welt team: Training manager Silke Müller welcomes Carla Protsch and Lucy Rintz.

Photo: Alexander Fanslau

This year, two new trainees for office management are joining the team at Fenster & Türen Welt in the Cubus Center in Stuhr. In an inspiring two-day workshop, they were given a comprehensive insight into the company structures, the variety of our products and the different departments they will go through during their training. Whether purchasing, sales, customer service, accounting, IT/e-commerce or marketing – our new talents have the opportunity to discover and develop their skills in various areas. “We see our trainees as the specialists of tomorrow and support and encourage them on their way,” emphasizes training manager Silke Müller. “Our goal is to take on the young talent in permanent employment after their training, as this is an important investment in the future.”

Heinken Electrical Engineering GmbH

New trainees at Heinken-Elektrotechnik: (from left) Emirhan Mentes, Siyar Dogan, Khalil Basioni, Mohamad Al Aboud and Michal Smolka.

New trainees at Heinken-Elektrotechnik: (from left) Emirhan Mentes, Siyar Dogan, Khalil Basioni, Mohamad Al Aboud and Michal Smolka.

Photo: Heinken Elektrotechnik

Whether electrical, communications, data network and lighting technology as well as switchgear and customer service – Heinken Elektrotechnik GmbH has been dealing with all areas of electrical, telecommunications and data network technology in the commercial sector for almost 50 years. Every year they train two or more apprentices as electronics technicians specializing in energy and building technology. This year the company has grown again with five apprentices. The first few weeks began for the five “newbies” in the training workshop specially set up for the apprentices, in the form of an office container. This has been in use since 2021 and has since been used regularly for various preparation and follow-up work for courses and exams. The new apprentices first learned the basics of electrical engineering, the safe use of tools and machines and carried out their first practical examples to prepare for work on the construction site. They were again supported by a qualified trainer. As in previous years, the trainee workshop was well received by everyone and the five boys are now well prepared for work on the construction site. The company wishes everyone lots of fun and a successful apprenticeship!

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