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Trainer Christian Streich Unhappy with Freiburg’s Defeat and Laments International Break

SC Freiburg’s coach, Christian Streich, is struggling to come to terms with the team’s heavy defeat in Stuttgart‍ and has ⁤expressed his disappointment in strong ⁣words. The upcoming international break is ‌not ideal ⁣for‍ him.

Trainer⁣ Christian Streich of SC Freiburg was visibly disappointed after his team’s 0-5 (0-3) defeat in the Baden-Württemberg derby against VfB Stuttgart. The coach of the Bundesliga⁤ team ​said that VfB was “superior in all aspects” ​after the match on Saturday. “We ⁢couldn’t hold our ground today.”

For SC Freiburg,‌ this‍ defeat was the first‍ major setback of the still young season and possibly a wake-up call. Streich explained, “For many, many months, everything has been going uphill, uphill, uphill. ‍We need ⁣to know who‌ we⁢ are.”

When people say that Freiburg is a⁤ top ⁤team, he laughs.‍ “We are not ‌a top‌ team,” said ⁣the 58-year-old. “If we give our ‌all, we⁤ can play a good game. If we give a little ⁣less, ⁢we lose 5-0 in Stuttgart.‌ That’s the ⁢reality. We have to⁣ confront it again.”

The upcoming international break is inconvenient for Streich. Ideally, the team would “go home, bury ⁣ourselves, analyze everything ruthlessly, and train hard,” ​Streich said. However, this can ⁣only be done with a part of the squad.

Especially in the first half in Stuttgart, ⁣SC Freiburg defended extremely poorly, ‍which Streich also criticized.⁢ He ⁣described the third goal as “the‍ pinnacle ⁢of non-communication.” He said, “VfB took a goal kick and played it‍ simply. It ⁤looked like ten against zero -⁣ without‍ an opponent.”‍ Chris Führich (8th/62nd minute), Serhou Guirassy (17th/19th), and ‍Enzo ⁢Millot (75th) scored the​ five goals for the strong Stuttgart team.

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2 thoughts on “Trainer Christian Streich Unhappy with Freiburg’s Defeat and Laments International Break”

  1. “It’s understandable that Trainer Christian Streich is unhappy with the defeat. Hopefully, the team can regroup during the international break and come back stronger in the next game.”


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