Proud of their own achievements: The nursing students of the class of 2021/2024 ceremoniously received their graduation certificates after their three-year training as nursing professionals at the Forchheim-Fränkische Schweiz Clinic.
Happiness and relief are written on the faces of the graduates at the graduation ceremony of the vocational school for nursing at the Forchheim-Fränkische Schweiz clinic. “The three-year training was really a challenge.
In addition to the theoretical specialist knowledge, the practical tools are also pretty impressive,” said Michelle, beaming with her exam certificate in hand. “This is the foundation for my career,” said Lea happily.
This year’s graduates of the vocational school at the Forchheim-Fränkische Schweiz clinic are looking forward to their professional future as qualified nursing staff with pride and confidence, to the delight of school principal Andreas Schneider, clinic manager Sven Oelkers, district administrator Dr. Hermann Ulm and nursing service manager Sabine Jacob (from right to left). Photo: Forchheim-Fränkische Schweiz clinic.
The two young graduates already have very specific plans for the perfect start to their professional lives. “We’re both starting in the operating room here in Forchheim in September,” say the colleagues, looking forward to starting their working lives after their successful graduation.
“The operating room is simply my dream area. The collaboration with the doctors and other colleagues is unique,” says Michelle happily. “The medical requirements in the operating room are very intensive,” says Lea. The two nursing professionals are not at all afraid of going back to school after their exams. “In two years we want to complete the training to become operating room nurses,” says Lea and Michelle, who already have their sights set on the next step on the career ladder.
The start of the training was anything but smooth, said headmaster Andreas Schneider at the ceremonial awarding of the exam certificates. “The corona pandemic and distance learning made it particularly difficult for them at the beginning,” Schneider said at the graduation ceremony, recalling the initially somewhat bumpy start. After the end of the pandemic, the nursing students made up for the essential discussions and direct conversations in the classroom with even greater enthusiasm. The choice of the destination for the study trip was also unusual. “They were the first class that absolutely wanted to go to Hanover,” said Schneider happily at the graduation ceremony, reporting on exciting excursions through the top medical facilities of the Hanover Medical School. While canoeing on the Leine, the young nurses almost went for a swim in the Lower Saxony state capital. While singing karaoke in the evening, headmaster Schneider was able to use a trick to prevent them from reaching for the microphone at the last second.
Clinic manager Sven Oelkers also congratulated the graduates on their successful exams. With their nursing certificate in their pockets, the graduates are highly sought after on the job market. “Many stay here, some go and see the wider world. Those who have been away are welcome to come back,” said Oelkers, congratulating the nursing students on passing their exams. “Thank God we are a municipal hospital. In these times, that is worth a lot,” said District Administrator Dr. Hermann Ulm (CSU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, promoting the Forchheim-Fränkische Schweiz Clinic as a reliable employer. “You can look to the future with great confidence and be proud of how much you have achieved, accomplished and learned in the past three years,” said District Administrator Dr. Ulm, congratulating the qualified nursing staff at the Forchheim-Fränkische Schweiz Clinic.