Train traffic between the Frisian cities of Workum and Stavoren has come to a complete standstill since Monday afternoon. This is because badgers have dug a castle under the railway near Molkwerum. It is not yet known when trains will be able to run on the route again.
ProRail reports that the castle is so large that there is a real risk of the track collapsing. The castle consists of dozens of caves. As a result, the ground can give way and collapse under the weight of a train traveling over it.
The badger is a protected species in the Netherlands. He must therefore not be chased or disturbed. ProRail previously made plans to move dozens of badger sets with a mega operation.
ProRail knew that badgers were active near the track at Molkwerum. It therefore kept an eye on the location. Last autumn there was already talk of a subsided track near Molkwerum due to the badgers. ProRail was able to have this repaired immediately.
Train tracks often suffer from animals. In October 2021, for example, train traffic in Groningen was disrupted because beavers had dug corridors under the track.