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Tragic! Song guide killed in boarding house, there is a pile of Eid clothes for 7 children

illustration: someone dies. (Source: shutterstock / sfam_photo / Kompas.com)

SEMARANG, KOMPAS.TV The US (31) had an unfortunate fate, otherwise known as Ratna. He was found dead in a boarding house in the Bojongsalaman area, West Semarang, Central Java, Friday (7/5/2021).

US’s body is on a mattress which is partially burned and the room is full of smoke due to the AC which is also on fire.

The 31 -year -old is known as a song guide.

Meanwhile, from the police statement, there were no burns found on the victim’s body.

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However, the victim’s cellphone and wallet were found to be missing. In addition, in the CCTV footage, a man was seen coming to the victim’s boarding house.

“From CCTV, someone and the victim entered. Meanwhile, only 1 man was wearing a jacket and hat. We are trying another way by looking at other CCTVs,” said Head of the Semarang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Indra Mardiana, Saturday. 8/5/2021).

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