2023-06-26 16:32 Source:
China Youth Network
According to a report by the British “Mirror” on June 25, a balloon suddenly caught fire in Worcestershire. When it fell, the man on the balloon screamed and died unfortunately.
The accident is understood to have happened the morning after hundreds of people attended the inaugural Worcester Balloon Fest. Last month, the festival was canceled due to bad weather and is scheduled to be rescheduled for this Friday and Saturday. A man in his 20s died in the crash when the balloon burst into flames mid-air at around 6.20am on Sunday. Photos showed the hot air balloon tangled in a tree near a large country home. A spokesperson for the Balloon Festival denied that the act had any connection with the Balloon Festival. He said: “This is not a Balloon Festival event. The festival ended last night.” An eyewitness said: “Although it was still early in the day, the There were a lot of hot air balloons in the sky and someone saw a flash of light that looked like a fireball coming out of a blue balloon and it fell like a rock. My wife heard a horrible scream and then silence. We called the emergency services but it was difficult to get through as the 999 number was down.”
Police, paramedics and firefighters were called to the scene after the crash, near Obersley Court, but the young man was pronounced dead at the scene due to his injuries. (Compiled report by China Youth Network) Return to Sohu to see more
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Released in: Beijing
#British #man #dies #hot #air #balloon #crash #Xinhua #English.news.cn
2023-06-26 08:32:00