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Tragic Death of Wealthy Actress and Heiress in Rio de Janeiro

Her wealthy father and Jewish friends moved from Romania at one time.

In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), the famous actress, model and heiress of the wealthy art collector Jean Boghici died tragically.

This is reported by The Sun.

Sabina Bogichi was found under the windows of her apartment. She fell from a 5th floor balcony and died in hospital from her injuries.

Law enforcement officials are already investigating this death and do not rule out that the model committed suicide, since a suicide note was found in her apartment. The letter is addressed to the late wife Rosa Stanesco Nicolaou, who is currently serving a sentence in prison.

Sabina’s father is a major Brazilian art collector, Jean Boghici. He was born in Romania in 1928 and moved to Brazil in 1948 with his Jewish friends.

In August 2022, Sabina and her wife became defendants in a criminal case. They were accused of defrauding Genevieve Bogichi, Sabina’s 82-year-old mother, of nearly $150 million in cash, art and jewelry.

The scam involving four people has been ongoing since 2020. Then a psychic woman approached Genevieve in the middle of the street and said that her daughter would supposedly die soon.

The police found that the “medium” was then taken to two other women who called themselves priestesses and fortune-tellers. They offered to pay for their “spiritual work” to save her daughter.

The scheme worked, because Genevieve transferred money to the attackers every two weeks, fearing for Sabina’s life. Soon, her daughter and an accomplice were already removing works of art from her mother’s house, claiming that they were cursed.

Genevieve Bogichi tolerated this for about a year, but in February she refused to transfer the money and reported the scammers to the police. During this period, 16 paintings and three works by modernist artist Tarsila do Amaral, worth $137 million, disappeared from her mansion. The criminals also fraudulently obtained jewelry worth over a million dollars and payments worth $2.7 million.

It turned out that the “psychics” were hired by Sabina and they used personal information provided by her daughter during meetings with Genevieve. In March of this year, Sabina was released on bail.

According to the conditions of her release, she was prohibited from leaving Rio de Janeiro for more than 10 days and she also surrendered her passport. On the day of her death, Sabina was supposed to appear in court.

Cursor also reported that in Italy a man died after falling into a vat of prosecco.

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2023-09-21 17:15:43

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