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Tragedy Strikes as Over 60 Migrants Feared Dead in Senegal Boat Rescue

More than 60 migrants‌ are ​feared dead after a Spanish fishing vessel rescued a boat off​ the Atlantic archipelago of Cape Verde that originally had more⁢ than 100 people aboard, authorities and migrant advocates said Thursday.

The⁤ boat, ⁣a large ⁣fishing boat called a ⁢pirogue, had left⁤ Senegal on July 10, ​according to the Spanish migration​ advocacy group Walking Borders. Families in Fass Boye, a seaside town north of ‌Dakar, reached out to Walking Borders on July 20 after not hearing from their loved ones on the boat for 10 days.

The‌ boat was rescued by a Spanish fishing boat named the ⁢Zillarri on ‌August 14, ‌after it was spotted​ adrift northeast of Cape Verde. The Zillarri rescued 38 people and ⁢recovered seven bodies from the ​Senegalese pirogue. The ⁢survivors were in a “bad state” and were‍ asking for ⁢help,⁣ according to an official of the tropical tuna fishing ‌company PEVASA, which operates the⁣ Zillarri.

The route from West Africa to Spain is‍ one ⁤of the most dangerous in the world, yet the number of​ migrants leaving from Senegal on rickety wooden boats has surged over the past year. The boats attempt to ⁣reach Spain’s Canary ⁢Islands,‌ which have been⁤ used as​ a‌ steppingstone to continental Europe.

Walking Borders reports ‍that​ nearly 1,000 migrants have died while trying to reach Spain ‍by sea in the first⁢ six ⁢months of 2023. Factors‌ such as ‍worsening youth unemployment, political ⁣unrest, violence by⁣ armed groups, and climate change push migrants across​ West ⁢Africa to ⁢risk their lives on overcrowded boats.

So far this year,⁢ nearly⁣ 10,000 people have reached the Canary Islands by sea ‌from the northwest‌ coast of Africa,‍ according to Spanish Interior Ministry figures.

This tragic incident ⁣highlights the ongoing risks and challenges faced⁤ by migrants attempting to reach ⁤Europe in search of better opportunities. The international community ‍must work‌ together‍ to address the root causes of migration and⁣ provide safer alternatives for those seeking ‌a better life.
detail ⁤photograph

⁤ In light of this incident, how can international cooperation and collaboration be ‍strengthened to address the root causes of irregular migration and ensure⁣ adequate support ‌for migrants, including safe and legal pathways, in ‍order to reduce the ⁣occurrence of such high-risk journeys

More than 60 migrants are feared to have lost their lives in a​ tragic ​incident where a Spanish fishing vessel rescued a boat off the Cape Verde islands in the​ Atlantic Ocean. The original boat was carrying over 100 ​people before the rescue took place.

2 thoughts on “Tragedy Strikes as Over 60 Migrants Feared Dead in Senegal Boat Rescue”

  1. This is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this tragedy. May they find strength during this difficult time. 😔🙏

    Mark: Another devastating reminder of the dangers migrants face in their desperate search for a better life. We need to address the root causes of migration and work towards creating safer options for those in need. 🌍🤝

    Anna: Tragic… these stories are a painful reminder of the desperate choices people are forced to make because of poverty, conflict, and lack of opportunities. We must do better as a global community to prevent such tragedies from happening. 💔🌎

  2. My heart aches for the families of these migrants. This is a devastating loss and a stark reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive solutions to address the root causes of migration and ensure the safety and well-being of those seeking a better life. 🕊️🌍


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