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Tragedy in Valparaíso: Fires leave 56 fatalities and trigger a call for justice for alleged intentionality

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On a day marked by tragedy, Valparaíso authorities confirmed the loss of 56 lives due to the devastating fires that ravage the region. The governor, Rodrigo Mundaca, and the presidential delegate, Sofía González, announced the shocking figure after the conclusion of the meeting of the Disaster Risk Management Committee (COGRID).

Intentionality behind the catastrophe: Governor Mundaca did not hesitate to point out the intention behind these fires, stating forcefully: “Evidently there is intention here and, therefore, all authorities are going to exercise maximum rigor.” Concern about the magnitude of the disaster leads the authorities to commit to using all possible prerogatives to identify and punish those responsible.

From fires to homicides: Mundaca highlighted the seriousness of the situation by stating that the fires have turned into homicides. The loss of 56 lives, including minors, has shocked the community, and authorities swear not to leave these crimes unpunished. “Our hand cannot tremble when applying the full rigor of the law,” said the governor, underlining the determination to find and imprison those responsible.

Extended curfew: As a containment measure, the extension of the curfew was announced in the communes of Villa Alemana, Quilpué, Limache and Viña del Mar. This decision, supported by President Gabriel Boric, seeks not only to preserve the safety of the population but also to concentrate efforts to extinguish fires and avoid acts of looting and pillage in affected areas.

Commitment to justice and security: Governor Mundaca reaffirmed his commitment to justice by declaring: “We have seen that the curfew also provides a certain security to our population and allows us to concentrate our strength and means on what matters.” He emphasized the need to focus on putting out fires, saving lives and preventing criminal acts in affected areas.

Valparaíso faces an unprecedented tragedy, with the loss of human life and the destruction of material assets. At this crucial moment, authorities are committed to pursuing those responsible to the fullest extent of the law, while the community unites in pain and hope to overcome this crisis. The extension of the curfew demonstrates the determination to preserve security and concentrate efforts on the recovery of the region.

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