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Tragedy. An undefeated boxer died after a heart attack in the ring

The 38-year-old boxer did not become a professional until 2017 and did not experience defeat during his career. With a record of eight victories, the last of which won the WBFed International title, he embarked on his ninth duel. However, it became fatal for him.

Before the start of the third round of the duel with Wander, the German suddenly collapsed and remained unconscious. Everything in front of family, friends, several hundred fans and TV cameras. Fans were invited to leave the arena and Yamaka’s team immediately began resuscitation. Rescuers were called to the scene, but even they failed to bring the boxer to mind.

A German police spokesman later said that an angry crowd of fans initially made it difficult for rescuers to work. “To ensure the safety of the rescuers, we sent many patrols to the scene. We then set up a protective corridor on the spot so the rescuers could work safely and conscientiously, “he said. “said the team.

Despite the confusion, Boxer was eventually taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead by doctors. The cause of death was probably a heart attack.

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