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Traffic safety and crime prevention day Dunakeszin – Dunakanyar Region

Wednesday afternoon in Dunakeszin, the IV. A program called “Traffic safety, accident prevention, crime prevention – or new challenges in the field of crime and traffic safety” took place on Béla király main square, organized by the Pest County Police Association, in the framework of which the staff of the crime prevention department of the Pest County Police Headquarters drew the attention of those interested to the dangers of cybercrime .

At the event, elementary school students, high school students, as well as active-age adults and retirees could find the content for them.

Dr. Péter Bilisics, president of the Pest County Police Association, said that the traffic safety day was initiated by Mayor Csaba Dióssi and local council representative Tamás Benkő, with whom they organized a program – primarily focused on school-aged youth – in which they can learn safe driving through practical examples. transportation.

– The complete truck of the Magyar Autoklub also rolled into the main square of Dunakeszi, and in addition to its wide selection, we awaited those interested with traffic technical equipment, skill and technical courses that “reflect” the traffic technical situations they face every day when they travel by bicycle or on foot. The aim of the program is for the students to drive with as much in-depth knowledge of KRESZ and practical experience as possible – explained Dr. Péter Bilisics, who added: the program implemented in 20 counties of our country with the support of the Institute of Transportation Sciences and the National Civil Guard Association is extremely useful, and the staff of the Pest County Police Headquarters also joined it in Dunakeszi.

Deputy mayor Dávid Sipos, mayor Csaba Dióssi, dr. Péter Bilisics, president of the Pest County Civil Guard Association, local government representative Tamás Benkő

The organization of the Pest County Civil Guard Association and the Hungarian Auto Club has always paid great attention to improving traffic safety. The primary goal is for the children to learn the basic rules of accident-free traffic at a high level, to familiarize themselves with real-life dangerous situations that occur in practice, emphasizing the physical laws, the violation of which can inevitably lead to an accident.

– I am convinced that we have already reached our goal if there are no traffic accidents to the detriment of children when school starts in September. However, it does not happen – stressed Dr. Péter Bilisics, from whom we learned that, among other things, adults could try the rollover simulator, there was an e-roller and e-bike KRESZ track, glasses imitating intoxication (“drunk glasses”), a theoretical presentation in small groups, according to the needs and age group.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Tamás Benkő and Zsuzsanna Schiller, head of the crime prevention department of the Pest County Police Headquarters

– Joining the program of the traffic safety day, we inform young people about the importance of crime prevention and the dangers of cybercrime – police lieutenant colonel Zsuzsanna Schiller, head of the crime prevention department of the Pest County Police Headquarters, told us.
– The most emphasized task of the crime prevention department is the prevention of crimes committed online. Without exception, young people use smart “gadgets” through which, if they are not careful enough, cybercriminals can obtain their personal and financial data, passwords, pin codes, and access to all devices at their disposal. That is why it is very important to draw students’ attention to the prevention of crimes, and as adults and professionals to do everything to prevent them from becoming victims of crimes, emphasized the lieutenant colonel.

Zsuzsa Schiller, head of the crime prevention department, drew our attention to an astonishing piece of data.
– The number of crimes is rising very sharply. On a national level, the number of online frauds has increased by 773 percent in the last five years. Unfortunately, this extremely negative trend can also be felt in our county.

That is why it is very important to seize every opportunity and opportunity in order to prevent crimes and provide professional information to young people and adults. Today’s event also serves the purpose of introducing young people to the safe use of the Internet – emphasized police lieutenant colonel Zsuzsanna Schiller, head of the crime prevention department of the Pest County Police Headquarters.

The two initiators of the event in Dunakeszi, mayor Csaba Dióssi and municipal representative Tamás Benkő, emphasized the importance of safe traffic, since Dunakeszi is a huge city where, fortunately, there are many children, many schools and bike paths. As they said, everyone travels, some with scooters, some with bicycles. “That’s why it’s very important to teach children how to drive safely, so that they can take care of themselves in all situations,” highlighted the most important message of the event.


Photo: filmkovacs.hu

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