Good things come to those who wait. Delivery problems with the track bearing plates at the level crossing have recently delayed the opening of the Liezener Südspange, which bypasses the Ennstalbundesstraße on a small scale. But now the time has come: “After the delivery of the track lighting system to the Liezen machine factory at 11 a.m., the release will take place around noon today,” says Mayor Andrea Heinrich. This bridges the 90m gap between the eee hotel malls and the Intersport branch on the other side.
Connection to Autobahn’s future music
If you wish, you can now drive from the city – coming from Selzthal, Liezen, Lassing or Aigen – to the hardware store in the extreme east of Liezen, without having to use the federal highway Ennstal, which is plagued by traffic jams at peak times. . The small ring road runs north of the Walcher blacksmith shop to the railway station, south of the ELI shopping centre, south of the eee hotel, from KIKA and Lutz to the Obi hardware store.
A separate connection to the nearby roundabout and the ring road would be possible, but it is a dream for the future. What is certain is that several road pavements – roughly south of the KIKA furniture factory – will still be renewed in 2023. In addition to the one to the north, Liezen now has a second alternative route to the B 320.
Gojer just wants to be a pilot
The gap closing presentation took place on Thursday. Mayor Andrea Heinrich (SPÖ) was the driver and finance officer Albert Krug (SPÖ) was in the first car who drove it for demonstration purposes. Smiling: Deputy Mayor Egon Gojer (ÖVP) did not want to sit in the back seat. “If so, then I’ll be behind the wheel,” says Gojer.