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Traffic organization changes will be made on the Tallinn highway section

In the section of the Tallinn highway from the two-level intersection with the Vidzeme highway to the parking lot at Lake Pulksteņezers (0.00-13.85 km), the number of road traffic accidents (RTAs) is increasing every year, and last year there were 42 such cases. Of the five people killed there, four have died in frontal collisions. The number of “black points” has doubled during this time and in the period from 2017 to 2019 there have been six “black points”.

“The reasons for RTAs remain the same. Every year, more than 30% of RTAs are collisions that result from reckless overtaking and other reckless maneuvers. In general, the number of RTAs in the country this year, compared to last year, has decreased by 12%. This is due to the restrictions imposed by Covid-19 and the reduction of traffic. I very much hope that the situation will not get worse and that this trend will continue.

Both the road safety campaign and this change in the organization of traffic are very much needed, as there are hurried drivers on the roads who are not sure whether it is safe to maneuver. As a result, the consequences of frontal RTAs are severe and often fatal. It is important that the environment and infrastructure interfere with infringements. At this stage of the road, the lanes will, if not physically, then psychologically deter aggressive drivers from performing ill-considered maneuvers, ”says Normunds Krapsis, Head of the Main Police Department of the State Police.

“Statistics show that there are still too many RTAs on public roads. Unfortunately, 58 people have died on public roads this year. We are working systematically to improve road safety on public roads. This section of the road on the Tallinn highway is one of the most dangerous with six black dots. Experts point out that left turns are one of the most dangerous maneuvers, and on the country’s main roads they are being phased out. Decisions are usually not popular and will satisfy both residents and local governments, because they have to spend more time on the road, but people’s lives are clearly valued more than a few minutes, and we also adhere to this principle, ”emphasizes the Chairman of the Board of SJSC Latvijas Valsts ceļi Jānis Lange.

This section of the Tallinn highway is one of the busiest sections of the single-lane dual carriageway on the national road network. If in 2000 the traffic intensity on this road was 12,264 units per day, then last year it reached 27,425 units. In turn, the designed capacity of the road is 20,000 transport units per day, thus the capacity of the road has already been exhausted. In order to solve both traffic safety and throughput problems in the long run, it is necessary to build a two-lane road with two-level junctions and parallel local roads.

“Within the framework of this project, the carriageway is being re-marked and not being rebuilt. Therefore, these solutions do not solve the throughput capacity, but improve traffic safety, as it reduces the chances of frontal collisions, reduces conflict points and also improves pedestrian safety in Baltezers. The speed modes will also change during the stage. In fact, it will be 70 km / h throughout the section. Building a 2 + 2 road requires large investments, but it is probably not possible to find funds for road reconstruction from the state budget at the moment. Marking of the road section is currently the best solution in the conditions of insufficient funding, ”says the author of the traffic organization change project Ilmārs Gorda, SIA“ Projekts 3 ”.

The current 14 m wide road motivates drivers to chaotically create imaginary four lanes, especially during peak hours. However, equipped with a two-lane road, it becomes especially dangerous when driving on four lanes. Therefore, in order to improve traffic safety and reduce the number of RTAs on this section of the Tallinn highway, a project for changes in traffic organization has been developed, which is planned to be implemented by the end of this year. Although this project will not increase the capacity of the road, it will significantly improve traffic safety and it must be done now, without waiting for the state to have sufficient funds to rebuild the road.

“In this section of the road, virtually all accidents are overtaking and there are six black spots on this 13 km road. Therefore, the task was to develop solutions to prevent frontal collisions and conflict points, thus improving traffic safety, ”says Māris Zaļaiskalns, Director of the LVC Traffic Organization Department.

The measures planned for the Tallinn highway section to Lake Kellakņezers include:
– creation of dividing lane and lane without changing the parameters of the carriageway;
– the construction of enclosing road posts in the middle of the carriageway dividing lane, including opposite road connections, in order to exclude overtaking and left-hand traffic from minor connections;
– creation of a speed change lane for left-hand traffic, where possible.

Expected changes:

in the section from Vidzeme highway to the road 2,425. km:
– construction of a 1.7 m wide dividing strip with horizontal markings and ribbons or special millings on the road surface;
– construction of demarcating posts in the middle of the dividing strip with a mutual distance of 20 m, in intersection zones – 2.5 m, and in opposite islands;
– for highway connections it is forbidden to make a left turn, equipping the main carriageway with physical obstacles – poles;
– eliminate left turns from the main road 1.1. km and 1,875. km of exits;

section of the road 2,425. km to 4,640. km:
– rebuild the Alderu road connection and the Baltezera Street connection, creating a left access lane in the middle of the carriageway;
– a two-meter-wide dividing strip with horizontal markings and ribbons will be built (households adjoining the Baltezers section will have the opportunity to make both right and left turns);
– significantly improve safety at pedestrian crossings;

section of the road 4.64. km to 9.79. km:
– close left turn maneuvers 4,875. km, 4,985. km, 5,765. km, 5,825. km, 6,241. km, 8.403. km and 8,765. km, envisaging the use of a traffic overpass on Draudzības Street or other turning possibilities;
– will close the left ascent maneuver at the connection of Muižas Street, envisaging to use the traffic overpass in Draudzības Street and get to it along Rīgas Street;

in the period from 9.79. km to 13.85. km:
– will make significant changes in the traffic organization in the connection area of ​​the Riga – Carnikava – Ādaži (P1) motorway;
– rebuild the connection of the motorway P1 by creating a left turn lane in the middle of the carriageway;
– starting from the turn to Carnikava in the length of 1.5 km, a road profile “2 + 1” will be created with two lanes in the direction of Ainaži and one lane in the direction of Riga;
– close the left turn on the access road to the Gauja bridge (V45) connection before the Gauja bridge;
– create a left exit lane to Kadaga along Iļķene road.

Benefits of the envisaged changes:

– Reducing the likelihood of a RTA by prohibiting left-turn, except where the left-hand turn is provided by a lane;
– reduction of the risk of frontal collisions by excluding or limiting overtaking;
– inclusion lanes have been created on the most intensive connections of the main road;
– a left turn lane to Kadaga has been created;
– In Baltezers, pedestrian safety at crossings has been improved, as well as the possibility to drive in all directions without impeding the main flow has been preserved.

This week, SJSC “Latvijas Valsts ceļi” in Ādaži presented the experts and involved parties with the planned traffic safety improvements on the Baltezers – Ādaži section of the Tallinn highway (A1). The event also launched a road safety campaign against brazen overtaking, “Don’t you see the road?” Don’t drive! ”

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