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Traffic: New rule – whoever does this will pay a 500 euro fine

At the end of the month, the Federal Government has now implemented a directive that it had already passed in June on the subject of cannabis in Traffic Anyone driving under the influence must now adhere to a fixed limit in order to avoid high fines.

Cannabis in traffic: This rule now applies

Im Detail, so reported According to the Tagesschau, among others, there is now a legal limit of 3.5 nanograms per milliliter of blood serum for the intoxicating substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is contained in cannabis. Previously, the guideline was that detection alone could have consequences. In case law, a guideline value of one nanogram was used.

With the new regulation, drivers will also face specific penalties. In future, an intentional or negligent violation will result in a fine of around 500 euros and a one-month driving ban. If alcohol is also involved, the fine can be as high as 1,000 euros.

However, anyone who is still on probation after obtaining their driver’s license is only allowed to drive with cannabis after two years – as is the case with alcohol. The same applies to drivers under 21 years of age. The new limit is therefore no longer applicable in both cases due to the consumption ban. If this is not adhered to, a fine of around 250 euros is threatened.

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This is the effect of THC in traffic

According to Tagesschau, the law on THC while driving refers to all types of cannabis consumption. This includes conventional joints, as well as edibles, drinks, oils and extracts containing THC. The many possible effects that the substance poses a significant safety risk in traffic show that it can have.

This includes:

  1. Reduced ability to react: Cannabis can increase reaction time, meaning drivers react more slowly to sudden changes in traffic, such as sudden braking by the vehicle in front.
  2. Impairment of perception: Using cannabis can impair the ability to judge distances and speeds correctly, increasing the risk of misjudgments when overtaking or merging into traffic.
  3. Difficulty concentrating: Cannabis can lead to a reduced ability to concentrate. Drivers under the influence of cannabis may have difficulty concentrating on complex traffic situations, which can lead to accidents.
  4. Distorted sense of time: Cannabis can alter your sense of time, making it more difficult to correctly estimate the duration of driving maneuvers or the speed of other vehicles.
  5. Increased risk-taking: In some cases, cannabis use can lead to increased risk-taking, meaning drivers may make dangerous decisions they would avoid under normal circumstances.

Sources: Tagesschau

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