Press release from 05/24/2023
Pentecost holidays in Rhineland-Palatinate: When the western forests go on holiday, they will probably share the trunk roads with many drivers from all federal states on the Pentecost weekend. The ADAC has compiled the routes on which heavy traffic jams are to be expected between Friday, May 26th and Whit Monday, May 29th.
Region. On the long Pentecost weekend, there is a risk of considerable traffic jams on the trunk roads. Drivers in almost every federal state are on the road, be it for a long Whitsun weekend, such as in Berlin, Bremen, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia, where Tuesday (May 30th) is still school-free, or for a vacation: Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria start with two-week vacations, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland with one-and-a-half or one-week vacations.
The risk of traffic jams is greatest on Friday afternoon (May 26), Saturday morning (May 27) and Whit Monday (May 29). In 2022, the Friday before Pentecost was the third busiest day of the year with traffic jams.
Here are the motorways with the greatest potential for traffic jams:
Highways to and from the coast
Large spaces Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich
A1/A3/A4 Klner Ring
A1 Kln Dortmund Bremen Hamburg Lbeck
A2 Oberhausen
Dortmund Hanover Berlin
A3 Emmerich Oberhausen Kln Frankfurt Wrzburg Nrnberg
A4 Kirchheimer Dreieck Erfurt Chemnitz Dresden
A5 Hattenbacher Dreieck Darmstadt Karlsruhe
A6 Heilbronn Nrnberg
A7 Hamburg Hanover and Wrzburg Fssen/Reutte
A7 Hamburg Flensburg
A8 Stuttgart Munich Salzburg
A9 Mnchen Nrnberg
A10 Berliner Ring
A40 Dortmund Essen Duisburg Straelen Venlo
A43 Wuppertal Recklinghausen Munster
A45 Dortmund Hagen Ldenscheid
A46 Dsseldorf Wuppertal
A61 Munichgladbach Koblenz Ludwigshafen
A81 Stuttgart singing
A93 Inntal triangle Kufstein
A95 /B 2 Munich Garmisch-Partenkirchen
A99 Munich ring road
Nice weather = more traffic jams
When the weather is nice on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, day trippers may also be delayed on the city’s arterial roads to the local recreation areas. The return traffic then ensures full motorways on Monday afternoon.
Leaving the freeway for country lanes rarely brings any benefit. The alternative routes are often congested quickly. As a rule, the mobility club advises that it only makes sense to leave the motorway if there are traffic jams of more than ten kilometers or a complete closure.
The Pentecost travel wave also covers the classic international routes Tauern, Inntal, Rheintal, and Brennerautobahn as well as the Gotthard route. But you also need a lot of patience on the highways to the Croatian coast. Holiday returnees could get stuck in traffic, especially when entering Germany at the Bavarian crossings Suben (A3), Walserberg (A8) and Kiefersfelden (A93) due to border controls.
More tips
As soon as traffic comes to a standstill, an emergency lane must be formed. Drivers in the left lane turn left, drivers in all other lanes turn right. Otherwise there is a risk of high fines, driving bans and points in Flensburg.
Drivers can also find up-to-date information about the construction site situation in RLP and throughout Germany on the ADAC website. Drivers can get a detailed traffic jam preview with information on the exact time and day via the ADAC route planner (Real-time traffic situation button). (PM)
#ADAC #traffic #jam #forecast #streets #tight #Pentecost #weekend