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Traffic – Hamburg – the condition of Hamburg’s roads has deteriorated slightly – the economy

Hamburg (dpa / lno) – The condition of Hamburg’s roads has deteriorated slightly in recent years despite renovation works. This is what emerges from the report on the 2020 road system presented by the Senate on Tuesday. The Hanseatic city’s road infrastructure received an overall rating of 2.45. In the 2018 road condition report, the grade was 2.37. For the current report, according to information, the cameras drove between April 2020 and April 2021 on Hamburg’s roads with a total length of 2167 kilometers.

During the survey, 42.7% of the roads were rated “very good” with grades ranging from 1.0 to 1.49. A further 26.2% were rated “good” or “satisfactory”, 13.1% were rated “adequate” and 15.6% “poor”.

Regardless of the lower overall grade, significantly more road sections, at 197 and 196 kilometers respectively, were renovated in 2020 and 2021 than in the previous two years, according to the report. A total renovation of 570 kilometers is planned for the years 2020 to 2022, said transport senator Anjes Tjarks (Greens) and spoke of a renovation at a record level. However, the road condition report also shows: “We need such a high level of rehabilitation works to maintain our infrastructure. That’s why we will continue this strategy in the coming years.”

The criticisms have rained from the opposition in the citizens. The traffic policy spokesman of the CDU parliamentary group, Richard Seelmaecker, stressed that “roads that are converted in the green reversal direction do not necessarily become more usable and passable for car traffic.” Road repairs have often led to narrowing of lanes, thus causing traffic jams. “Successful road rehabilitation must first ensure better traffic flow for all road users,” he said.

For left-wing traffic expert Heike Sudmann, the Senate missed the target it set for itself: “It wanted to continuously improve the condition of the roads and not be satisfied with the level it had achieved.” Interrupted roads and paths would also damage the environmental network of pedestrians, bicycles, buses and trains. The infrastructure therefore needs to be improved.

AfD faction leader Dirk Nokemann accused Transport Senator Tjarks of an unbalanced policy. “The Green Bicycle Senator focuses primarily on the bicycle lobby. He overlooks the fact that a circular infrastructure is the backbone of our economy.”

For the Hamburg FDP, the transport policy of the Senate is “transfer risk”https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/.” The quality of every sixth street in Hamburg is poor, every third street is at best adequate assumption. The condition has changed for the first time in six years and deteriorated,” said Vice President of State Sonja Jacobsen.

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